Saturday, December 1, 2012

Load Paragraph and Character Styles in Photoshop CS6

One of new features in Photoshop CS6 are Character and Paragraph styles. In this quick tip I wont to point to Load Paragraph/Character Styles option from Paragraph Styles and Character Styles panel menus. Literally this options can save you tons of time because you can create templates with styles, give them meaningful names to easy find them and load that styles into any open document.

First create Paragraph and Character styles

First step in this process is to create Paragraph and Character styles which you plan to reuse. You can do that in any open document or to create new blank document and use it as template for styles what is my suggestion.

Create Paragraph and Character styles in Photoshop CS6
Create Paragraph and Character styles in Photoshop CS6

Save document with styles on hard drive

Second step is to save document with created styles from File > Save or Save As anywhere on your hard drive. You can even create new folder with name: Photoshop text styles or anything else that have sense for you. Name your base styles template properly by giving it name that have most sense for you like: name of client, name of project and so on. You must save template in Photoshop PSD or Large Document Format (PSB) in order to import them later in any open document.

Save file with styles in PSD or PSB format with meaningful name
Save file with styles in PSD or PSB format with meaningful name

Load styles into open document

When you need created and saved styles first display Paragraph and Character styles panels from Type > Panels > Character/Paragraph Styles Panel or from Window menu.

Click on Character or Paragraph Styles panel menu and choose: Load Character/Paragraph Styles… option. Navigate to template with styles, select it then click Load button in Load dialog.

Steps to load Paragraph styles in Photoshop CS6
Steps to load Paragraph styles in Photoshop CS6

You will get feedback and confirmation message after importing styles which informs you about number of imported styles. Note: you can import only one type of styles at time, either Character or Paragraph. Alternatively you can drag and drop Type layer from one open document into another as explained in Paragraph & Character Styles in Photoshop CS6 video tutorial by Julieanne Kost.

Styles imported feedback and confirmation message
Styles imported feedback and confirmation message


Use everything that can save your time when working in Photoshop. Ability to create templates with Paragraph and Character Styles is only one of time saving features, you can comment and share your time saving tips or to submit tutorial to publish it on this blog.


Photoshop Help / Formatting paragraphs

Photoshop Help / Formatting characters

Product used in this tutorial: Adobe Photoshop CS6

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