Thursday, September 23, 2010

Starting a Janitor Service From Home

Starting a janitor service is an excellent way to make money working from home. Although it is a low tech business you can make a pretty good income if you are willing to work nights and weekend. There is a high demand for people who are willing to work hard and provide their customers with great service. Another benefit of this business is that it does not take a lot of materials to get started. Often you can finds the materials you need right around you house.

Step- 1 Do you research. Before you begin a janitorial services business you should know what to expect. You need to understand the types of services offered by other janitorial companies and the level of local competition. You also need to know what tools you use and what the expected hourly rate is in your area. This is the rate other janitors are making. You want to remember to charge by the job and not by the hour. Doing this, you will normally make more money.

Step 2- Start the business. You probably don't want to spend a lot of money to get started. I started my first window cleaning business with a spray bottle and a towel. After the fourth job, I had the squeegies, the extension poles and all the other equipment I needed to do a professional job. I do suggest you have start up capital to cover basic business expenses, marketing materials (fliers, business cards, and a little extra to supplement your income while you are getting started. With low budget advertising you could do this comfortable on $20,000. ( I have done it on as little as a 1,000 but I did the first 50 customers for a very low initial price because I had to start making money immediately.

Step 3- Start simple and get licensed. Getting a license is easy. Most state and cities require a license. It unusually costs 50 to 100 dollars for each. It may help you to be licensed and bonded too, it just depends on the market. It is important for you to start simple- the basics include mopping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bathrooms and emptying garbage cans. The alternative to this would be to find an under serviced niche in your market and start with that. (You can make more per hour offering specialty services.) Best luck starting you janitor service business from home!

Starting a Janitor Service From Home

Starting a janitor service is an excellent way to make money working from home. Although it is a low tech business you can make a pretty good income if you are willing to work nights and weekend. There is a high demand for people who are willing to work hard and provide their customers with great service. Another benefit of this business is that it does not take a lot of materials to get started. Often you can finds the materials you need right around you house.

Step- 1 Do you research. Before you begin a janitorial services business you should know what to expect. You need to understand the types of services offered by other janitorial companies and the level of local competition. You also need to know what tools you use and what the expected hourly rate is in your area. This is the rate other janitors are making. You want to remember to charge by the job and not by the hour. Doing this, you will normally make more money.

Step 2- Start the business. You probably don't want to spend a lot of money to get started. I started my first window cleaning business with a spray bottle and a towel. After the fourth job, I had the squeegies, the extension poles and all the other equipment I needed to do a professional job. I do suggest you have start up capital to cover basic business expenses, marketing materials (fliers, business cards, and a little extra to supplement your income while you are getting started. With low budget advertising you could do this comfortable on $20,000. ( I have done it on as little as a 1,000 but I did the first 50 customers for a very low initial price because I had to start making money immediately.

Step 3- Start simple and get licensed. Getting a license is easy. Most state and cities require a license. It unusually costs 50 to 100 dollars for each. It may help you to be licensed and bonded too, it just depends on the market. It is important for you to start simple- the basics include mopping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning bathrooms and emptying garbage cans. The alternative to this would be to find an under serviced niche in your market and start with that. (You can make more per hour offering specialty services.) Best luck starting you janitor service business from home!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Madu Impor Ambriat Nouris

Informasi Produk
Madu yang diformulasi dengan royal jelly, amber, dan berbagai herbal lain untuk menggemukkan badan (menaikkan berat badan secara alami)
Aman, tanpa efek samping dan tidak menyebabkan ketergantungan.
Didalam nya ada serbuk putih yang berfungsi untuk menghentikan kenaikan berat badan (saat berat badan yang diinginkan sudah tercapai)
Jadi, hentikan pemakaian bila berat badan sudah sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.
Untuk orang yang terlalu kurus, kurang lebih membutuhkan 3 botol.
Dan reaksi dari herbal ini juga dapat menyebabkan kulit menjadi bersih dan putih.
For Fatness
Extracted From Honey & Herbs & Royal Jelly & Amber & Selected Seeds
Powerfull & Active for Weight Stabilization
100 % Natural
- Increases Apetite & makes you active
- For body Fatness & increases weight
- Whitenes the skin & makes it Shine
- Stabilises growth
- Graually increases weight day after according to desire
- Good for both men & women
Instruction for Use
Adults : Take big spoon daily at bed time
Children : Take middle size spoon daily at bed time
At reaching the desired weigt you can take the suplimented powder with for weight stabilisartion
Stir Well before use
Al Harbi Trading Est Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Riyadh- Al Batha – PO. BOX 1545
There is Guarantee Card inside

Harga: Rp300.000,-

Madu Impor Ambriat Nouris

Informasi Produk
Madu yang diformulasi dengan royal jelly, amber, dan berbagai herbal lain untuk menggemukkan badan (menaikkan berat badan secara alami)
Aman, tanpa efek samping dan tidak menyebabkan ketergantungan.
Didalam nya ada serbuk putih yang berfungsi untuk menghentikan kenaikan berat badan (saat berat badan yang diinginkan sudah tercapai)
Jadi, hentikan pemakaian bila berat badan sudah sesuai dengan yang diinginkan.
Untuk orang yang terlalu kurus, kurang lebih membutuhkan 3 botol.
Dan reaksi dari herbal ini juga dapat menyebabkan kulit menjadi bersih dan putih.
For Fatness
Extracted From Honey & Herbs & Royal Jelly & Amber & Selected Seeds
Powerfull & Active for Weight Stabilization
100 % Natural
- Increases Apetite & makes you active
- For body Fatness & increases weight
- Whitenes the skin & makes it Shine
- Stabilises growth
- Graually increases weight day after according to desire
- Good for both men & women
Instruction for Use
Adults : Take big spoon daily at bed time
Children : Take middle size spoon daily at bed time
At reaching the desired weigt you can take the suplimented powder with for weight stabilisartion
Stir Well before use
Al Harbi Trading Est Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Riyadh- Al Batha – PO. BOX 1545
There is Guarantee Card inside

Harga: Rp300.000,-

Kapsul Rumput Mutiara

Informasi Produk

Nama Produk: Kapsul Herbal "Rumput Mutiara"
Kategori: Produk Herbal
Berat per Kemasan: 0.08 kg

Volume (Isi): 80 Kapsul
No. Sertifikat Halal MUI: 1636072001 (kapsul)
Izin Depkes RI: P.IRT No. 313331102058
Merk: Tazakka

Rumput mutiara punya nama latin Hedyotis corymosa L. Lamk. Nama lainnya adalah bunga telor, rumput siku-siku, katepan, urek-urek polo dan pengka. Tanaman ini bersifat menghilangkan panas dan toksik (racun), antiradang, diuretik (peluruh air seni), menyembuhkan bisul dan mengaktifkan sirkulasi darah.

Kandungan dan manfaat:
Tanaman ini mengandung hentriacontane, stigmasterol, ursolic acid, flavonoid glycossides dan asam oleat. Anggota famili rubiaceae ini bersifat manis, sedikit pahit, lembut netral dan agak dingin. Seluruh tanaman bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai obat untuk mengatasi beragam penyakit di antaranya: radang usus buntu, sumbatan saluran sperma, kanker lymphosarcoma, kanker lambung, kanker servics, kanker payudara, kanker rectum, kanker nasofaring. Bisa digunakan untuk mencuci bagian tubuh yang tersiram air panas (tanaman segarnya). Dapat digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit hepatitis, choleytitis, radang panggul, infeksi saluran kemih,bronkitis, pneumonia, gondongan,tonsilitis dan paringitis.
Inilah Kapsul herbal dengan komposisi rumput mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa) 100%

Khasiat :
Mengobati kanker termasuk kanker kelenjar getah bening (limfoma), peradangan saluran pernapasan, pneumonia, gondongan, hepatitis, infeksi saluran kemih.

Aturan Pakai :
Pengobatan : 3 x 3 kapsul / hari
Pengobatan Kanker kelenjar getah bening: (Kapsul Keladi Tikus+Kapsul Rumput Mutiara+Kapsul Tapak Dara) 3 x 1 / hari
Pencegahan : 3 x 1 kapsul / hari

Harga: Rp25.000,-

Kapsul Rumput Mutiara

Informasi Produk

Nama Produk: Kapsul Herbal "Rumput Mutiara"
Kategori: Produk Herbal
Berat per Kemasan: 0.08 kg

Volume (Isi): 80 Kapsul
No. Sertifikat Halal MUI: 1636072001 (kapsul)
Izin Depkes RI: P.IRT No. 313331102058
Merk: Tazakka

Rumput mutiara punya nama latin Hedyotis corymosa L. Lamk. Nama lainnya adalah bunga telor, rumput siku-siku, katepan, urek-urek polo dan pengka. Tanaman ini bersifat menghilangkan panas dan toksik (racun), antiradang, diuretik (peluruh air seni), menyembuhkan bisul dan mengaktifkan sirkulasi darah.

Kandungan dan manfaat:
Tanaman ini mengandung hentriacontane, stigmasterol, ursolic acid, flavonoid glycossides dan asam oleat. Anggota famili rubiaceae ini bersifat manis, sedikit pahit, lembut netral dan agak dingin. Seluruh tanaman bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai obat untuk mengatasi beragam penyakit di antaranya: radang usus buntu, sumbatan saluran sperma, kanker lymphosarcoma, kanker lambung, kanker servics, kanker payudara, kanker rectum, kanker nasofaring. Bisa digunakan untuk mencuci bagian tubuh yang tersiram air panas (tanaman segarnya). Dapat digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit hepatitis, choleytitis, radang panggul, infeksi saluran kemih,bronkitis, pneumonia, gondongan,tonsilitis dan paringitis.
Inilah Kapsul herbal dengan komposisi rumput mutiara (Hedyotis corymbosa) 100%

Khasiat :
Mengobati kanker termasuk kanker kelenjar getah bening (limfoma), peradangan saluran pernapasan, pneumonia, gondongan, hepatitis, infeksi saluran kemih.

Aturan Pakai :
Pengobatan : 3 x 3 kapsul / hari
Pengobatan Kanker kelenjar getah bening: (Kapsul Keladi Tikus+Kapsul Rumput Mutiara+Kapsul Tapak Dara) 3 x 1 / hari
Pencegahan : 3 x 1 kapsul / hari

Harga: Rp25.000,-