Sunday, December 2, 2012

"Jealous" - Drew The Poet


Im jealous of your pillow because you lay your head on their instead of me at night. Im jealous of your blanket because you wrap yourself in it wrather than my arms being wrapped around you. Im jealous of your mirror because it sees you at your worst and your best you show it all your flaws and imperfections wishing you could show me the same. Im jealous of your clothes because they hug your body how i want to. All the

things around you make me jealous. Because your beautiful eyes pay them more mimd then you do me. Jealous of your friends that they can see that beautiful smile all the time.. And i only on occassions.. Jealous of your radio cuz you sing to it rather than sing to me no matter how bad you sound, your voice is still angelic to me. Wish i had you all to myself. You would be my best kept secret. The one you with doesnt think about

 you like i do.. Jealous of it all .wishing i was relevant in your life. Jealous that my voice isnt the one you hear making you laugh.. Jealous that my voice isnt the last one you hear at night.. Jealous that im not your first thought when. You wake up. Jealous that im not that " good morning" text message.. Jealous of everything that has a chance touch, get to know, and see you im simply jealous..

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