Sunday, October 14, 2012

What a sight to have unfold.

Characters of game:
·  Sookie (Eladrin Battlefield Ranger) (Hannah),
·  Tarion (Eladrin Coronal Guard Swordmage)
·  Onwin ( Half-Ork Pit Fighter) (Shaun),
·  Erich (Dragonborn SteelSky Leberator Warlord) (Saucy),
·  Glosgo (Gnome Daggermaster Rogue) (Ben),
·  Roamin (Human Justiciar Paladin) (MJ was currently not attending),
·  Lo-Kag (Goliath Earthshaker Warden) (Sam)
The adventurers set off after culling more of the ogre threat, not knowing what awaits them.
Erichwondered what had happened to the merchants that would of led the caravans, and why Ogres and Hill Giants would have teamed up like this across the Nentir vale.
Soon they get to a clearing in the mountain pass, located around the fortified settlement of Winterhaven. But the sight that unfolded was one of despair; Winterhaven was ablaze, and far off by the ‘would be gate’ of the town were ogres and Orcs setting up camp.
The group moved forward to get a closer look of the encampment the attackers where putting up, but as they did an ogre, purple in skin pointed to them and one of the Orcs grabbed their battle axes and charged full speed to the frontline of the group.
Combat started with the orc opening the attack, scoring a hit against Erich. Soon everyone was at it. Glosgo hit both of the ogre thugs through the event, killing them one after the other then he turned his attention to the oncoming Orcs. All the hard hitters came in; Onwin, Roamin and Lo-Kag, to aid the Dragonborn in the slaughter.
Erich noticed the purple skinned ogre disappeared but it was too late for it reappeared in front of him unleashing a burst of cold.
Seeing this Sookie took the attack sinking several blows in the orcs and the ogre.
The fight carried on, and then suddenly a giant plume of fire erupted in the far off corner of settlement, followed by Tarion leaping over the battlements, Fey-Stepping mid jump to the floor tumbling to a halt.
Seeing this Sookie pressed forwards to her brother to aid him if need be, still giving covering fire to the fighters of the group. But Tarion was fine, being one of the few given the opportunity to become a coronal guard, he leapt up hurling his sword in the back of the Ogre mage, and with a roar it was down.
They finished of the Orcs, with one being run down by Onwin with several blows granted by in training as a fighter.
After the battle, Tarion skipped reintroductions,
“We need to go back through the city, people are trapped and there’s someone who everyone needs to meet. But i stress, i have no idea what lies within the walls now. the fire, its not natural, it emmits no smoke, but is ferociously hot ”

“Who is within of which you speak?” questioned Erich

“Yeah who” followed everyone,

As they pressed forwards the Eladrin carried on with his explanation,

“I met a traveller whilst organising the guard here, he came to Winterhaven accompanied by one of the few trade caravans that make it. He claims he’s an ambassador from the ancient city of argent, a city that I thought was lost and many others did. His race was almost extinct, that I know, but there have been claims of these ‘Torrians’ across the continent many log ago, but never in this age.

Sadly whilst were talking the town was attacked. We fought off the ogres and elementals but not without grave sacrifice, and Rowthar was hit badly. I managed to escape after getting him inside, but I don’t think he has much time.”
And with that they decided to venture within the town to rescue the inhabitants, and to speak with this strange character.
[The group now enters a skill challenge]
[Forgot to take notes so it’s a little fuzzy so the order isnt 100%..... no, not even close...]
Round 1:
The group walks in the place is in chaos; horses are running amuck, Ogres are causing trouble and they hear a distant scream to the bottom corner of fort.
Sookie decided to go along the battlements, so she decided to climb up, using her fey step to avoid ‘the hassle’ of climbing all the way then running along the side jumping across to the far edge wall.
Glosgo did the same using his nimble climbing skills as a rogue but he loses his footing trying to follow Sookie onto the other wall but he does grab onto the ledge.
Erich runs through the entrance of the settlement, to see the Ogres chasing the horses, one sees him and heads directly for the Warlord. Erich sees the tavern in a blaze but still it seemed to still look structurally sound. He leaps in with the ogre following him, but the warlord outruns the ogre, trapping it in the blaze.
Tarion seeing this leapt forth to help the Warlord with his Ogre adversary, and traverses the fire safely to see the creature get burnt by his misjudgement.
Onwin makes a break for the lone Ogre, but due to the horses panic, he gets clipped by one and tumbles forward, but he does gain ground towards the enemy getting back to his feet.
Roamin intimidates the horses so they all run in one direction as well as scaring the Ogre away, but this in turn blinds Lo-Kag due to the dust making him uncertain of what events unfold.
Round 2:
Back to Sookie she runs along the wall, calling out to the people down below where everything is, but as she does this the scenery changes with certain paths being bloacked by sudden colapses of buildings and debrie.
Glosgo runs along the wall now far behind Sookie, as he looks to his right he sees a Hill Giant trying to break down a building whilst its occupants try to defend it. Due to this he scales the wall down, kicking himself off onto the roof and then to the floor. (Success)
Erich finally gets out of the buildings inferno and looks around to get a sense of his surroundings, getting a grip of this calamity unfolding. To his right is another giant wall, defending the ‘inner’ part of the town, and to his left he sees the Hill Giant trying to break down the buildings front. (Success)
Tarrion is within the building, trying to get out. He quickly thinks back to his teachings and using his arcane might, whirls his sword through the flames and cuts an opening through the elemental fire to the outside. (Success)
Onwin, now back on his feet charges towards the Hill Giant, in an attempt to distract and maim the beast, but as he does the Giant notices and parries the Half –Orcs attacks successfully. (Failure)
Roamin, seeing he needed to get into the fray and join his comrades, tried cutting some corners through the buildings, but his knowledge and sense were not up to standard amidst the carnage that was the burning buildings and he gave up barrelling out of a nearby building. (Failure)
Lo-Kag was in his element. Even though the fires were unnatural, his goliath endurance withstood it. As he pounded round the corner, he saw the giant and Onwin duelling it out, and with a raise of his hand he called upon the power of nature and sprang roots from the ground to aid his fellow fighter. (Success)
Sookie notices that the Giant is preoccupied and seizes the opening, she darts across from the battlements to the rooftop. Then using every ounce of skill she had flips through the air unleashing a volley of arrows into the Hill Giants back, killing it. (Success)
Onwin, now with a dead viney Giant at his shins, looks around to see what else is causing trouble. He notices by the Wizards tower, fiery wisps launching fire balls at it, destroying the brick work around it. He bounds towards the tower as it just starts to topple in an effort to distract the wisps away, and it worked. But only half seem to go to him, the other half, go over the back wall to the inner part, and as they do so, the fires seem to get hotter. (Success)
Erich peers round the corner of a building when he sees an ogre running right past him. He follows, watching it, and it stops to talk to another one of its kind, but clad in armour like the one back at the bridge encounter. He looks up and notices the wisps and as the fall out of view a giant plume of fire flies into the air from behind the wall, and the fires mysteriously get hotter. (Success)
Glosgo runs down past the dead Giant towards the middle gate. He looks to Onwin and witnesses the fiery objects darting around him. Let goes a bolt knocking one of them clean out of the air, extinguishing one nuisance for the Half-Orc and presses onwards to new ground. (Success)

Tarrion, noticing the fires have become hotter; he tries to quell them once more with his sword, enduring the immense heat, but after his efforts there are useless against this newly fortified power. (Failure)
The Paladin noticing his fellow Eladrin in trouble and Onwin fighting the fire, he calls upon divine power to bless his allies. He refreshes them all given them new vigour and a sense of great hope. (Success)
Lo-Kag bounds towards the inner area dodging debris to and fro, covering a large amount of ground. (Success)
[Players succeded in Skill Challenge]
Onwin, Glosgo, Tarrion and Erich make it first to the inner gate, where, the armoured Ogre is waiting to make the first strike. Further in, two Hill Giants are pounding on a buildings two giant doors; to the left is a Hill Giant slinger readying a pot of nasty, and in front is the cause of the inferno that is taking over the town, a giant swirling tornado of fire lashing out at nearby buildings, crackling and spiting fire as it does. 
The Ogre charges, hurtling towards Tarrion and Onwin, but misses with its swing of its maul.

Glosgo runs up the side of the wall to get a better view and pops one of the giants bashing the door.
Erich unleashing his lightning breath upon the Ogre beast, electrocuting it but also giving his allies a bonus to there next attacks.
Tarrion positions himself so that his allies could get flanking next turn, he whips round and slams his sword against the Ogre.
Onwin tries to attack but flails and wiffs his strike in the confusion of battle.
Next the slinger threw a pot at Erich, smashing it against his armour dealing several points of acid damage and on going poison.
But worst of all the maelstrom of fire came whirling in front readying his whips to deal the pain.
The Ogre strikes again dealing an average amount of damage against the Eladrin, but Erich comes forth and slices the Ogre with his War axe.
Glosgo fires another bolt but at the slinger, puncturing the leather armour of the Giant, but this in turn alerts him to the Gnomes presence.
Onwin once more tries again but could land a hit with his maul, the Ogre just wouldn't stand still enough, but Tarrion seized the moment and gained flanking against the beast and used his fey-step to grant him two attacks against it. The Ogre wasnt looking to healthy now.
But then the elemental came and blazed right through the group and the Ogre, dealing ten points of fire damage to each, which in turn slayed the Ogre.
Next up Sookie came on the board, having caught up with the group. she fired two arrows into the elemental, dealing a massive 40+ damage being her new quarry.
Lo-Kag and Roamin both came on and joined the close combat dealing damage to the threat of the fire tornado.
The slinger sent hurling a rock at the Gnome, but he managed to dodge the stone being the size he was.
Everyone rained pain onto the elemental but once again it seared through the group dealing 10 to everyone, but after the remainder of the team extinguished it, sending it back to where it came.
Now everyone was focused on the last two Giants. The ground group moved towards the slinger whilst firing all there ranged attacks, whilst Glosgo finished off the last door basher.
Soon they slaughtered the Hill Giant but not before it dealt some massive damage, scoring a 40 on its to hit roll with its fists on Onwin, and thus dealing great damage.
But it was over they erased the remaining force and now looked onto the mysterious traveller Tarrion was talking about.
Was a great game that night, and cant wait to have the next session with the group, heres the current stats of everyone.
Sookie: HP: 66/92 } powers used: Cut and run.
Erich: HP: 50/96 } powers used: Dragonbreath, Guarding attack, knights move.
Tarrion: HP: 48/93 } powers used: Fey-Step, Be Gone.
Onwin: HP: 72/93 } powers used: Spinning Sweep, Crushing Blow, Furious Assult, Battle Awarness.
Lo-Kag:HP: 99/116 } powers used: Weapon Attack (Cant remember what else)
Glosgo:HP: 43/77 } powers used: None to recharge.
Roamin:HP 29/104 } powers used: Sign of vulnerability, Noble Shield, Invigorating Smite.

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