Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Real Problem with Big Business

How Big Business Kills Your Small Business
You know how something looks you in your face and you don’t see it because everybody else around you is ignoring it, so you ignore it, too? Well, I’ve just realized something. Sure big business pay less tax, screw the consumer, underpay labor, and all sorts of other horrendous things. But I’ve just realized something else. The biggest single reason that big business is disastrous for small business is that they take the bulk of the customers. Why does nobody speak about this, or has attention been diverted for very obvious reasons?

Think About This One!
If you’re sitting in a public online place, you see Dell, IBM, HP, Apple, Sony, and whatever other giant manufacturer there is out there. Do you see any unknown brands? Think about this. These companies hire cheap labor to put the parts together. Think also that when the technician comes to puts the parts in your computer, it’s really not a big deal. He doesn’t need a university education to know where to put things. So why can’t ten year olds be taught to build their own computers at school?

I’ll tell you why! Because if you teach kiddies anything that will actually enable them to have a viable product to sell, they’ll be genuine competition for big business.

Reading How Small Business Can Make it?
Sure you are. You’re working 24/7 (neither of my parents ever worked 24/7 in the 50s and 60s to run a business, and neither do my sister and her husband in South Africa), going on line to make pretend friends with possible clients, joining everything from Rotary to the local cigar club, all in the bid to find clients so that you can sell something to them. Business should absolutely and utterly not be that hard. There shouldn’t be this struggle. The reason there is, is because things are out of wack. Big business is taking the bulk of the clientele and small business is busting itself picking up the crumbs.

I Think It’s Time to Regulate Against Big Business
I cannot think of one solid reason to condone having businesses grow to the size they do. Sure, some products need immense resources. And there are ways to get those going. It doesn’t have to be big business.

I think it’s time people really began to look a the fact that if big business is taking the majority of the clientele, maybe big business should cease to exist.

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