Tuesday, October 2, 2012

When you interrupt yourself with "crap" and "oh crap"

It's a scary thing, to be running out of patience and just not care anymore. When you find yourself still detached, it probably means you're just tired of trying to trust people, or you've given up trying to be friends with people whom you thought might share lesson-full experiences and journeys with you.

So why try? Just do what you have to do. Not because you hate what you do, but because you g
enerally love people, and you actually love what you do, despite the seeming disintegration of relationships because of badmouthing and backstabbing.

You know you're too old to deal with bullsh*t, and you're too old to put up with crap. So you won't and you will just be yourself and you will do what you gotta do with love without so much care as to whether you're loved back.

Life after all won't always give you what you ask for. You have proven that there are people who loves you since time immemorial. You probably won't need too much. And you shouldn't ask for more than you deserve.


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