Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sept 23 thru Oct 6th

I know, I know... I dropped the ball again when it comes to posting in here... Shame on me.

In my defense I've been busy in my personal life and organizing #OctPolyMonth. I'm hosting Poly Month on my personal blog, The Lor of Rose. You can find all the posts there or look up the hash-tag on Twitter. I'm also gearing up for my literary retreat (GRL) in less than two weeks. A good friend shared some devastating news not to long ago that I'm still processing. All in all I'm remaining busy with my writing and things.

Next week this post will be an iffy thing, the week after, GRL week, you can forget it.

One last little tid-bit. My friend Murph hosted a blog hop called #CharactersonCouches. You can find my funny-ish post on my site

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