Sunday, October 21, 2012

Making Music Makes Life Better

This blog is dedicated to my father,whose name was Andrew. He was a man of God, who taught his children, the members of the churches he was called to pastor, his friends, his family and the strangers he met on the street, that God works miracles everyday in the lives of men, women and children of all races, colors and creeds. It doesn't matter whether or not you chose the belief in God, in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God or the miracle of renewed life made possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God. God works in the lives of all mankind regardless of what you choose to believe, simply because He is God, the Creator of the Universe and of all things, seen and unseen. My father taught this in his preaching, his teaching, his mannerisms, his behavior, his character, in the things he said, the things he did not say, his laughter, his anger, his sickness and even in his death. He taught me to use the gifts and talents God gave me to uplift and cheer others, and so as an adult, I've perfected the art of giving a smile to strangers and friends, alike, to sing from my heart, to play the piano with skill and care, to perform my daily job as though I worked for God, Himself, to cherish my children, my husband, my family and friends, and to treat all people, big, small, in high positions or in low positions, the homeless or the wealthy, with respect. And my responsibility is to teach these things to my children and the children I meet, and to live in such a way that others will know that I am a Christian. Thank you, Daddy, for the lessons you took the time to teach me, because these valuable lessons have made my life a pleasure to live, even in adversity.

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