Saturday, October 20, 2012

Create PDF Presentation or Multipage PDF in Photoshop CS6

One of many new features in Adobe Photoshop CS6 is that you can create PDF presentation with transitions between slides or multiple page PDF document. It was possible to create multipage PDF from Adobe Bridge in earlier versions but to be honest I was never satisfied with that feature. Photoshop CS6 will do much better job and probably best of all, text in multipage PDF is searchable and viewer can copy it.

Prepare PSD file for PDF

If you want to have searchable text which viewer can select and copy, then save PSD file with text on Type layers, or in other words do not flatten image. To mention that formatting is now much easier in CS6 with Character and Paragraph panels. When page/slide size is concerned, Photoshop will save PDF from original files so you may need to check document/image sizes and resolutions before creating PDF.

Create presentation or multipage PDF

Start Photoshop and go to File > Automate > PDF Presentation.

Run PDF Presentation script from Photoshop CS6
Run PDF Presentation script from Photoshop CS6

In PDF Presentation dialog you have first option on the top: Add Open Files, for case you have files for presentation already open in Photoshop, otherwise click on Browse button and navigate to files on your hard drive. When you find files to include in presentation or multipage PDF first select them (Ctrl + click to select multiple files or click first then Shift + click last to select all files) then click Open button at the bottom right corner of dialog with the same name.

Select files for PDF and click Open button
Select files for PDF and click Open button

Names of all selected files will appear in the box below Source Files title. To reorder files drag them up or down. Next step is to select what kind of PDF you want to create: Multi-Page Document or Presentation. For both types you have same options: to choose Background color and informations to be included at bottom of PDF pages or slides like: Filename, Title, Description… Most of information's listed you can type directly from Photoshop in File Info dialog or from Adobe Bridge.

PDF Presentation Options dialog in Adobe Photoshop CS6
PDF Presentation Options dialog in Adobe Photoshop CS6

When creating presentation additional options will become active in presentation options section at bottom of PDF Presentation dialog. Advance Every … Seconds means how many seconds each slide should appear on screen before proceeding to the next slide. Loop after Last Page means repeat presentation from beginning after last slide. From Transition drop down list you can choose transition between slides unfortunately without preview. After setting all options you like click  Save button in the top right corner.

Next on your screen will appear Save Adobe PDF dialog in which you must choose and modify if needed preset for PDF file. If you want to open created PDF or presentation immediately after creation, check View PDF After Saving in General tab of Save Adobe PDF dialog. Last thing to do is to click Save PDF and wait a second Photoshop to do his part of creating and saving PDF file.

Save Adobe PDF dialog
Save Adobe PDF dialog

Advantage of creating PDF directly from Photoshop

One of advantages to create PDF presentation or multipage PDF file from Photoshop is because you can use Layer Comps to create several versions of the same presentation or multipage PDF. In that case open all files you want to include, choose Layer Comps for each file separately then go to File > Automate > PDF Presentation and check Add Open Files at top of PDF Presentation dialog.

Use Layer Comps to create several versions of the same presentation
Use Layer Comps to create several versions of the same presentation


In every new version Photoshop always have some excellent improvements which are usually overlooked because other exciting new features. With this new multipage PDF options Photoshop opens door to create PDF's without any limit. Just to remind you on tip to create PSD template which can not be overridden and can serve as template like in Illustrator or InDesign.


Photoshop Help / Contact Sheets and PDF Presentations in CS6

Product used in this tutorial: Adobe Photoshop CS6

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