Thursday, October 4, 2012

Another Song. Something I Wish I Had Written.

Sometimes I wish I'm a good writer, a decent one at least. Sometimes or maybe all the time.

I would've written songs that move people, those that remain in someone's heart for the rest of their lives, even when their memory seem to break down or when they can't even determine blue from indigo. 

But I'm not, and I didn't write any songs that could actually do everything I wrote above. 
So let me just post a song that I wish I had written. After all, it said all that I wanted to say.

The melody is exactly how it should sound. A perfect blend of voice and music. Like the right kind of eyeglasses to cure your anomalous arsshtirrgmatiszhm.

Okay. So here. I hope you like yellow. And yeah. Words that damage your sensitive innards like flak does to a fighter jet. Or whatever.

Between the lines - Sara Bareilles

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