Monday, July 9, 2012

How Capitalism Controls and Manipulates YOU!

So why do all these corporations and companies want your  name, your email, your date of birth, the name of your friends, and the color of the car you bought two years ago? I bet you can answer that in one easy word! Yes, they want to use your information to make sure that they direct the right product at you. But it’s more than that. If they know how much money you earn, they know what you can afford, and then they adjust the price of the product so that it’s not only what you can afford but gives them the maximum profit on the transaction. You think that’s not true? Have you noticed how when you call someone like ATT, they first have to ask you all these questions before they can direct you to the ‘right’ product? What’s wrong with the age old practice of having a list of products available (in various areas) so that the customer can select the one they like the most? Well, that way, they don’t get to have the most money out of you. In other words, by controlling your information, and by giving you very little information about your options, they can ensure that you buy what they want you to buy…

It’s All About Control…
It’s the person who knows the most about you that has control of you, and it’s the person who is unwilling to reveal anything about themselves that wants to be in a position of control. It’s the government that knows everything about you – from where you are (cell phone signal) to what your bank balance is (IRS) and who your friends are (social networking) – that has the most power over you. And it’s the corporations and various types of businesses that mine every bit of information about you so that they can lead you by the nose and manipulate or brainwash you into buying the product that satisfies their needs the most…

Repetition is the Mother of Retention...

Whoa!!! Can Capitalism be GOOD if it exerts that sort of Power over People???
Well, yes. That’s what good laws are about. Good laws protect some people from abusing other people. Capitalism needs checks and balances. Every system does. Even Mother Earth has her checks and balances. Look at the eco system. Every species has a predator species that lives off them, and the reason for that is that if one species became dominant, it would destroy all the other species, and then the eco system wouldn’t work very well.

There is no system that can work without checks and balances - be it democracy, capitalism, socialism, or feudalism. The more one class of people dominate another class of people, the less the system works for the greater good.

How to Fix the ‘Control Issue’ in Capitalism
There’s much to be done, but let’s just look at business for the moment.

  • Don’t buy from companies that insist on asking you for all your information before they give you a price. You don’t even have to provide your name. Just find another company that is willing to give you a price and show or demonstrate the goods before you give them your information. Yes, of course they will tell you that they need all your information before they show you the right product. Tell them that you will decide which the right product is when they show you what their range is. You need to retain control so that you have the best options for YOU!

  • Don’t expose yourself to advertising. The human brain ‘believes’ everything it hears repeatedly. It’s really difficult to make a conscious effort not to believe what one hears repeatedly. Think about it. The way you learnt (British spelling) at school was by repeating something over and over again. The way you learnt about religion was hearing it over and over again when you went to church. The way you learnt about which products everyone else was using was by seeing evidence of it over and over again. However repetition is not a guarantee that the information being repeated is accurate or honest. Best way of becoming a victim of it is to avoid any situation where the same information is repeated over and over again. Another way is to ensure that you receive many different types of information. It brings a more balanced perspective and avoids you becoming a victim!

The Power of Propaganda and how it works...

Definition of Propaganda: Something untrue that someone wants you to believe...

Of course, this is easier said than done. However, it is worth the effort. We need to return to a time when we were able to see a full range of products and prices that the company offered, and where they were the same for all people. We also need to be exposed less to ‘soft brainwashing.’ Yes, that is what constant repetition is. And did you know that if you added music to it, it is even more effective? I wish you luck and diligence in taking steps to make capitalism have less control over you!

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