I know last week wasn't productive as far as writing goes but I did edit Other Half one more time to send off to a friend for her thoughts. This week I'm waiting on her to send it back. When this will be I have no idea so my goals will more than likely change later. I also will be finishing up other things for the surprise later on this month.
Conflicted Addiction is also on the list but it is not a priority.
Conflicted Addiction is also on the list but it is not a priority.
Sunday the 8th -
Write 1,500 words forHow Can This Be Write 2,003Write 1,000 words forTell Me So Wrote 1,161Write 1,000 words for This Isn't Love- Write 500 words for Conflicted Addiction
Write and post my #AYWN post
Total written: 4,164
Monday the 9th -
Post H for the #AtoZchallengeWrite 1,500 words forHow Can This Be1,508- Write 1,000 words for Tell Me So 1,026
- Write 1,000 words for This Isn't Love 1,044
Wrote K and L for the #AtoZchallenge- Write 500 words for Conflicted Addiction
Total written: 3,578
Tuesday the 10th -
Post I for #AtoZchallengeGo over Patty's edits for Other HalfRead over Other Half againRead through chapter seven over 19.5k
Wednesday the 11th -
Post J for #AtoZchallengeTalk to my cover artistHopefully finish readingOther HalfRead through eleven
Thursday the 12th -
Post K for #AtoZchallenge#StoryDam chat from 8-9pm! Join us?Finish readingOther HalfFirst read through finished!- Re-read Without You Baby I Cannot Breathe (not a priority)
Friday the 13th -
Take out all "that" in Other Half manuscriptLaundry & cleaningPost L for #AtoZchallenge
Saturday the 14th -
Post M for #AtoZchallengeWeekly Lodge posts
:: Weekly Posts From the Lodge Maybe Found Below ::
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