Saturday, March 10, 2012

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

I've been using the Windows 8 Developer Preview for awhile now and liked it, but it still felt half baked. However, I installed the Windows 8 Consumer Preview yesterday and I have to say it looks a lot prettier and feels almost ready for release. I totally loved having YouVersion on my PC (they're available in the Windows 8 store already!).

However, this post isn't to talk about how much I liked the consumer preview, it's about what happened after I installed it. I noticed a couple odd crashes (2 or 3) but I just assumed they were from overheating since I was watching movies so I thought I might have overheated something due to my less than sterling DVD drive. However, when I saw this I knew something was up.

As you can see, there are white and black lines going up and down my screen like crazy. Needless to say, this totally freaked me out. I was a little scared to start my computer again for fear of what might happen if I did, however since I'm still under my manufacture warranty + third party warranty I started it up again. I managed to boot in to Windows 7. I had no clue what was going on, but I knew the Windows 8 Preview started it so I went in to the BCD and switched the default OS to Windows 7. Bingo, since then a grand total of 0 crashes.

I honestly don't know what was going on, if you have any thoughts, let me know.

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