Friday, January 6, 2012

What are affermations?

What are Affirmations of the Mind and why do they help (or harm) us?

By definition, an affirmation is simply a declaration that something is true. That being said, in the following, when I refer to an affirmation, it will be a positive affirmation and the intent is for you to believe it is true whether you initially perceive it to be true or not. The idea is for your subconscious mind to believe it is true through the repetitive hearing (also referred to as autosuggestion) of the declaration or statement. Since birth we have all been exposed to affirmations. Unfortunately, affirmations come in both positive and negative forms. As children we received a lot of affirmations from parents, teachers and peers. Some were positive (good) some were negative (bad), but which ever they were, we started to believe they were true even if they weren’t. Now as adults, we may need to overcome that programming to make changes and improvements in our lives

I first heard of affirmations several years ago. My first experience was with a book and a set of cassette tapes (you remember those don't you?) from Dr. Shad Helmstetter. The set was titled "What To Say When You Talk To Yourself". At that time I didn't realize that the short sentences in the book and on the tapes were simply affirmations, but I very quickly realized that they were very powerful and very helpful in the process of programming the mind. Affirmations are sometimes referred to as "self talk" and are used extensively in personal development courses. Positive affirmations can help in many ways for self-improvement.

• Self Esteem.

• Financial Success.

• Stop Procrastination.

• Taking Control of Your Life.

• Health and Fitness.

• Positive Relationships.

• Personal Development.

Just to name a few.

Positive affirmations can be used in a couple different ways. The most basic is to read them over and over again several times per day. Although this is effective, it requires that you have the time to do this. Another way is to record the affirmations onto a CD, MP3 Player or your phone so you can listen the them while you are doing other things and of course the other way is to purchase the CD's or MP3's and not need the time or equipment to do the recording yourself. All of these methods work and will help you to reach your goals for whatever you want to do.

Over the next few weeks I will be posting several sets of Positive Affirmations on this Blog and you are welcome to copy and use whatever you want to work with.

These scripts will also be available on CD and as MP3 files. I will post a complete list of the scripts that are available. To request more information about the CD's and MP3 files or to order them, please email me at

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