Every Business, irrespective of which type it is, requires proper advertising and marketing in order to become well known among the people. So the marketing should be such that the next time a person goes to buy a product that is sold by you, then he should opt only your product out of the wide variety of products from different companies. This is where targeted advertising and marketing comes into picture.
Several methods have been used to achieve this purpose like paper media, print media, television media, radio broadcasting, and the internet. But the most effective and result oriented marketing would be to send product information to email lists or mailing lists.
Email lists or mailing lists are a list of emails of all the potential people, who may also be potential buyers. Generally, these email lists or mailing lists are targeted to a particular niche. For example, a particular list might essentially consist of email ids of all those potential shopping freaks who love to shop clothes. Hence this mailing list would be useful for promoting your clothing store or clothing business.
Although finding a proper emailing list can be tough, however, there is a much bigger problem that might have to be looked into first, that is, the email spam issue. Many email service providers have filters that tend to filter out emails that particularly targeted promotion of products etc and mark them spam. They are then automatically moved from your inbox to spam folder within your emailing interface. Thus, most of the people end up missing such mails because they normally do not check their spam folder.
There are some tips and tricks if followed properly, this problem can be resolved. First of all make sure that the lists that you have consist of genuine email ids that are active. Many times, when you try to buy one, you end up buying those email ids that are presently inactive and not used by users. Such email lists generally end up getting caught in the spam filtering process. Therefore, ensure that you are buying a mailing list that has correct and active email ids only.
One of the reasons why a mailing list that consists of inactive or dead email ids end up getting caught in spam filtering process is because spam filters generally consider sending email to inactive address to be as spamming. The tool that checks whether a particular email is spam or not, does it by sending email to an inactive address at least thrice. When it receives a delivery failure message, it automatically assigns such an address to spam list, thus throwing your email into the spam folder.
Therefore, we understand that to make your email advertising work properly, we must ensure to have a mailing list that has genuine email addresses. The email addresses should also be of targeted audience so that your product details directly go to those who are interested in buying it.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
How Important Can Targeted Email Lists Be?
Every Business, irrespective of which type it is, requires proper advertising and marketing in order to become well known among the people. So the marketing should be such that the next time a person goes to buy a product that is sold by you, then he should opt only your product out of the wide variety of products from different companies. This is where targeted advertising and marketing comes into picture.
Several methods have been used to achieve this purpose like paper media, print media, television media, radio broadcasting, and the internet. But the most effective and result oriented marketing would be to send product information to email lists or mailing lists.
Email lists or mailing lists are a list of emails of all the potential people, who may also be potential buyers. Generally, these email lists or mailing lists are targeted to a particular niche. For example, a particular list might essentially consist of email ids of all those potential shopping freaks who love to shop clothes. Hence this mailing list would be useful for promoting your clothing store or clothing business.
Although finding a proper emailing list can be tough, however, there is a much bigger problem that might have to be looked into first, that is, the email spam issue. Many email service providers have filters that tend to filter out emails that particularly targeted promotion of products etc and mark them spam. They are then automatically moved from your inbox to spam folder within your emailing interface. Thus, most of the people end up missing such mails because they normally do not check their spam folder.
There are some tips and tricks if followed properly, this problem can be resolved. First of all make sure that the lists that you have consist of genuine email ids that are active. Many times, when you try to buy one, you end up buying those email ids that are presently inactive and not used by users. Such email lists generally end up getting caught in the spam filtering process. Therefore, ensure that you are buying a mailing list that has correct and active email ids only.
One of the reasons why a mailing list that consists of inactive or dead email ids end up getting caught in spam filtering process is because spam filters generally consider sending email to inactive address to be as spamming. The tool that checks whether a particular email is spam or not, does it by sending email to an inactive address at least thrice. When it receives a delivery failure message, it automatically assigns such an address to spam list, thus throwing your email into the spam folder.
Therefore, we understand that to make your email advertising work properly, we must ensure to have a mailing list that has genuine email addresses. The email addresses should also be of targeted audience so that your product details directly go to those who are interested in buying it.
Several methods have been used to achieve this purpose like paper media, print media, television media, radio broadcasting, and the internet. But the most effective and result oriented marketing would be to send product information to email lists or mailing lists.
Email lists or mailing lists are a list of emails of all the potential people, who may also be potential buyers. Generally, these email lists or mailing lists are targeted to a particular niche. For example, a particular list might essentially consist of email ids of all those potential shopping freaks who love to shop clothes. Hence this mailing list would be useful for promoting your clothing store or clothing business.
Although finding a proper emailing list can be tough, however, there is a much bigger problem that might have to be looked into first, that is, the email spam issue. Many email service providers have filters that tend to filter out emails that particularly targeted promotion of products etc and mark them spam. They are then automatically moved from your inbox to spam folder within your emailing interface. Thus, most of the people end up missing such mails because they normally do not check their spam folder.
There are some tips and tricks if followed properly, this problem can be resolved. First of all make sure that the lists that you have consist of genuine email ids that are active. Many times, when you try to buy one, you end up buying those email ids that are presently inactive and not used by users. Such email lists generally end up getting caught in the spam filtering process. Therefore, ensure that you are buying a mailing list that has correct and active email ids only.
One of the reasons why a mailing list that consists of inactive or dead email ids end up getting caught in spam filtering process is because spam filters generally consider sending email to inactive address to be as spamming. The tool that checks whether a particular email is spam or not, does it by sending email to an inactive address at least thrice. When it receives a delivery failure message, it automatically assigns such an address to spam list, thus throwing your email into the spam folder.
Therefore, we understand that to make your email advertising work properly, we must ensure to have a mailing list that has genuine email addresses. The email addresses should also be of targeted audience so that your product details directly go to those who are interested in buying it.
How to Target a Specific Audience with Promotional Items
One of the best marketing tools out there today is the use of promotional items
to get your brand out there and enhance the visibility of your logo. Many companies have taken this on as an initiative and if you are going to be successful with this plan, you have to understand exactly how to do it.
There are costs with all marketing plans and this one has a larger amount because you are producing and purchasing the promotional merchandise. To make this cost worth it you must make sure the item shows up on the right persons desk as then it will begin to make it's power known.
To find your specific market with the promotional products
you have to know who your targets are and what are they involved in. It could be a college crowd, younger kids, or an older, more professional group. When you know the answer to this the design for the product will become easier because you know exactly what they will use and that is what increases the effectiveness.
For a younger audience, you will be better off with an item that appeals to their recreational activities. For instance, you will have much more success with a coozie to keep cans cold if you want to get through to a college market. For a young professional crowd, a nice pen might do the trick, since they will be using that on a day to day business and your product or business will stay in the front of their mind. This is key because if the person is not using the item on a day to day basis, they are not going to be remembering your company and the marketing effort will have been a waste.
The other issue to think about is how are you going to distribute these items? You can always pick a good event and hand them out there but again, you need to think about where you position yourself as this is important. The answer to these questions depends again on knowing who your target market is, then you will know where the right place will be. The primary goal is to get the most number of products into the most number of peoples hands who are in your market, then you will have the best return on your marketing dollar.
to get your brand out there and enhance the visibility of your logo. Many companies have taken this on as an initiative and if you are going to be successful with this plan, you have to understand exactly how to do it.
There are costs with all marketing plans and this one has a larger amount because you are producing and purchasing the promotional merchandise. To make this cost worth it you must make sure the item shows up on the right persons desk as then it will begin to make it's power known.
To find your specific market with the promotional products
you have to know who your targets are and what are they involved in. It could be a college crowd, younger kids, or an older, more professional group. When you know the answer to this the design for the product will become easier because you know exactly what they will use and that is what increases the effectiveness.
For a younger audience, you will be better off with an item that appeals to their recreational activities. For instance, you will have much more success with a coozie to keep cans cold if you want to get through to a college market. For a young professional crowd, a nice pen might do the trick, since they will be using that on a day to day business and your product or business will stay in the front of their mind. This is key because if the person is not using the item on a day to day basis, they are not going to be remembering your company and the marketing effort will have been a waste.
The other issue to think about is how are you going to distribute these items? You can always pick a good event and hand them out there but again, you need to think about where you position yourself as this is important. The answer to these questions depends again on knowing who your target market is, then you will know where the right place will be. The primary goal is to get the most number of products into the most number of peoples hands who are in your market, then you will have the best return on your marketing dollar.
How to Target a Specific Audience with Promotional Items
One of the best marketing tools out there today is the use of promotional items
to get your brand out there and enhance the visibility of your logo. Many companies have taken this on as an initiative and if you are going to be successful with this plan, you have to understand exactly how to do it.
There are costs with all marketing plans and this one has a larger amount because you are producing and purchasing the promotional merchandise. To make this cost worth it you must make sure the item shows up on the right persons desk as then it will begin to make it's power known.
To find your specific market with the promotional products
you have to know who your targets are and what are they involved in. It could be a college crowd, younger kids, or an older, more professional group. When you know the answer to this the design for the product will become easier because you know exactly what they will use and that is what increases the effectiveness.
For a younger audience, you will be better off with an item that appeals to their recreational activities. For instance, you will have much more success with a coozie to keep cans cold if you want to get through to a college market. For a young professional crowd, a nice pen might do the trick, since they will be using that on a day to day business and your product or business will stay in the front of their mind. This is key because if the person is not using the item on a day to day basis, they are not going to be remembering your company and the marketing effort will have been a waste.
The other issue to think about is how are you going to distribute these items? You can always pick a good event and hand them out there but again, you need to think about where you position yourself as this is important. The answer to these questions depends again on knowing who your target market is, then you will know where the right place will be. The primary goal is to get the most number of products into the most number of peoples hands who are in your market, then you will have the best return on your marketing dollar.
to get your brand out there and enhance the visibility of your logo. Many companies have taken this on as an initiative and if you are going to be successful with this plan, you have to understand exactly how to do it.
There are costs with all marketing plans and this one has a larger amount because you are producing and purchasing the promotional merchandise. To make this cost worth it you must make sure the item shows up on the right persons desk as then it will begin to make it's power known.
To find your specific market with the promotional products
you have to know who your targets are and what are they involved in. It could be a college crowd, younger kids, or an older, more professional group. When you know the answer to this the design for the product will become easier because you know exactly what they will use and that is what increases the effectiveness.
For a younger audience, you will be better off with an item that appeals to their recreational activities. For instance, you will have much more success with a coozie to keep cans cold if you want to get through to a college market. For a young professional crowd, a nice pen might do the trick, since they will be using that on a day to day business and your product or business will stay in the front of their mind. This is key because if the person is not using the item on a day to day basis, they are not going to be remembering your company and the marketing effort will have been a waste.
The other issue to think about is how are you going to distribute these items? You can always pick a good event and hand them out there but again, you need to think about where you position yourself as this is important. The answer to these questions depends again on knowing who your target market is, then you will know where the right place will be. The primary goal is to get the most number of products into the most number of peoples hands who are in your market, then you will have the best return on your marketing dollar.
Improve Your Brand With Search Engine Optimization
Traditional methods of marketing have been known to be quite expensive at times and not always as efficient as you would like them to be. As a result, many businesses have turned to internet marketing to fulfill their strategies. The Internet possesses so many features that marketers can take advantage of with very little cost. This means that your business may be at a disadvantage if you do not have an effective web presence.
Marketing on the internet has been proven to be vastly cheaper than offline methods such as advertising on television or even in your local newspaper. Making sure that your website is optimized for the search engines is critical to the success of your online endeavors. It is imperative to include various SEO tasks to your marketing strategies if you want to maximize the return on your online marketing efforts.
The more optimized your site is for search engines, the greater the chance of it ranking high when people are searching for what it is that you offer. The general idea is to have the highest rank possible for whatever topic you are targeting. A majority of internet users rarely go past the first page of results when viewing the results of their search. This is why it's important to be as high on page one as possible for terms related to your business. The more traffic you get from these targeted visitors, the more chances you'll get to convert them into actual customers.
It takes a lot of time and effort to get your site well optimized for the search engines. The first step is to choose the proper keywords. Once you have these, they should be added to the on page meta tags. These are the first things that a search engine sees when it crawls your site. The keywords should also be included in your website content. The keyword density (the percentage of words on each page that are your keywords) should be between 1 and 3%.
Once you have your on site optimization is done, the next thing you should focus on is building relevant and quality links back to your website. There are hundreds of Web 2.0 sites, forums, and blogs that you can add a link back to your site for free. It is recommended, though, that you contribute something to these sites. Don't just add your link and disappear. Get involved in the conversations. Add value to the discussions. Hopefully you will begin to become a respected member of the site and this will only improve your business prospects.
The key aspect of any optimizing strategy is that it takes a very consistent approach. Find out what works and continue to do it. Find way to branch out and use new methods. Once your site has naturally and organically found the top of the search engines, your business will hopefully become so popular that the SEO will begin to take care of itself by word of mouth.
Marketing on the internet has been proven to be vastly cheaper than offline methods such as advertising on television or even in your local newspaper. Making sure that your website is optimized for the search engines is critical to the success of your online endeavors. It is imperative to include various SEO tasks to your marketing strategies if you want to maximize the return on your online marketing efforts.
The more optimized your site is for search engines, the greater the chance of it ranking high when people are searching for what it is that you offer. The general idea is to have the highest rank possible for whatever topic you are targeting. A majority of internet users rarely go past the first page of results when viewing the results of their search. This is why it's important to be as high on page one as possible for terms related to your business. The more traffic you get from these targeted visitors, the more chances you'll get to convert them into actual customers.
It takes a lot of time and effort to get your site well optimized for the search engines. The first step is to choose the proper keywords. Once you have these, they should be added to the on page meta tags. These are the first things that a search engine sees when it crawls your site. The keywords should also be included in your website content. The keyword density (the percentage of words on each page that are your keywords) should be between 1 and 3%.
Once you have your on site optimization is done, the next thing you should focus on is building relevant and quality links back to your website. There are hundreds of Web 2.0 sites, forums, and blogs that you can add a link back to your site for free. It is recommended, though, that you contribute something to these sites. Don't just add your link and disappear. Get involved in the conversations. Add value to the discussions. Hopefully you will begin to become a respected member of the site and this will only improve your business prospects.
The key aspect of any optimizing strategy is that it takes a very consistent approach. Find out what works and continue to do it. Find way to branch out and use new methods. Once your site has naturally and organically found the top of the search engines, your business will hopefully become so popular that the SEO will begin to take care of itself by word of mouth.
Improve Your Brand With Search Engine Optimization
Traditional methods of marketing have been known to be quite expensive at times and not always as efficient as you would like them to be. As a result, many businesses have turned to internet marketing to fulfill their strategies. The Internet possesses so many features that marketers can take advantage of with very little cost. This means that your business may be at a disadvantage if you do not have an effective web presence.
Marketing on the internet has been proven to be vastly cheaper than offline methods such as advertising on television or even in your local newspaper. Making sure that your website is optimized for the search engines is critical to the success of your online endeavors. It is imperative to include various SEO tasks to your marketing strategies if you want to maximize the return on your online marketing efforts.
The more optimized your site is for search engines, the greater the chance of it ranking high when people are searching for what it is that you offer. The general idea is to have the highest rank possible for whatever topic you are targeting. A majority of internet users rarely go past the first page of results when viewing the results of their search. This is why it's important to be as high on page one as possible for terms related to your business. The more traffic you get from these targeted visitors, the more chances you'll get to convert them into actual customers.
It takes a lot of time and effort to get your site well optimized for the search engines. The first step is to choose the proper keywords. Once you have these, they should be added to the on page meta tags. These are the first things that a search engine sees when it crawls your site. The keywords should also be included in your website content. The keyword density (the percentage of words on each page that are your keywords) should be between 1 and 3%.
Once you have your on site optimization is done, the next thing you should focus on is building relevant and quality links back to your website. There are hundreds of Web 2.0 sites, forums, and blogs that you can add a link back to your site for free. It is recommended, though, that you contribute something to these sites. Don't just add your link and disappear. Get involved in the conversations. Add value to the discussions. Hopefully you will begin to become a respected member of the site and this will only improve your business prospects.
The key aspect of any optimizing strategy is that it takes a very consistent approach. Find out what works and continue to do it. Find way to branch out and use new methods. Once your site has naturally and organically found the top of the search engines, your business will hopefully become so popular that the SEO will begin to take care of itself by word of mouth.
Marketing on the internet has been proven to be vastly cheaper than offline methods such as advertising on television or even in your local newspaper. Making sure that your website is optimized for the search engines is critical to the success of your online endeavors. It is imperative to include various SEO tasks to your marketing strategies if you want to maximize the return on your online marketing efforts.
The more optimized your site is for search engines, the greater the chance of it ranking high when people are searching for what it is that you offer. The general idea is to have the highest rank possible for whatever topic you are targeting. A majority of internet users rarely go past the first page of results when viewing the results of their search. This is why it's important to be as high on page one as possible for terms related to your business. The more traffic you get from these targeted visitors, the more chances you'll get to convert them into actual customers.
It takes a lot of time and effort to get your site well optimized for the search engines. The first step is to choose the proper keywords. Once you have these, they should be added to the on page meta tags. These are the first things that a search engine sees when it crawls your site. The keywords should also be included in your website content. The keyword density (the percentage of words on each page that are your keywords) should be between 1 and 3%.
Once you have your on site optimization is done, the next thing you should focus on is building relevant and quality links back to your website. There are hundreds of Web 2.0 sites, forums, and blogs that you can add a link back to your site for free. It is recommended, though, that you contribute something to these sites. Don't just add your link and disappear. Get involved in the conversations. Add value to the discussions. Hopefully you will begin to become a respected member of the site and this will only improve your business prospects.
The key aspect of any optimizing strategy is that it takes a very consistent approach. Find out what works and continue to do it. Find way to branch out and use new methods. Once your site has naturally and organically found the top of the search engines, your business will hopefully become so popular that the SEO will begin to take care of itself by word of mouth.
PPC Search Engines – Your Key To Increasing Sales!
In any business, online or off line, the key to success is increasing sales. Without increasing sales your business will die, no question about it. But, how is the best way to do this? In my opinion, PPC search engines are the best and quickest way to get the word out about your product. There is no other method that I know of that allows your business or product to be seen to an audience of millions in one hour or less. Let me compare a few methods . . .
Article Writing vs. PPC Search Engines – These two methods are equally effective but at different time scales.
The article writing technique is the best long term FREE technique I know of to get the word out. However, if you don’t have weeks to wait for your article to show then this is not an option for you. So, your decision about writing articles or using ppc search engines to promote your wares should be made based on how quickly you need to get your message out.
Forum Postings vs. PPC Search Engines – Another great FREE way to get the world out is through forum postings. This does however take a little work and it will take a week or more for your message to get indexed. But, if long term advertising methods and FREE are your desired path to success then this is a great method for you. However, you must be patient and you can’t expect your website to show within 24 hours like you can with ppc search engines traffic.
Solo Advertising vs. PPC Search Engines – This final method is a paid method, just like ppc search engines but the difference is that you are sending your ad (i.e. email) to a specific audience that has already shown a desire to get products like yours. So, your audience will never be more targeted. However, most good ezines take anywhere from one week to one month to get your solo advertising email out. And, while it can be VERY effective it will never be quicker than using ppc search engines to get the word out. I would recommend that you actually use both of these types of strategies as part of your plan.
In conclusion, I hope you see that PPC Search Engines can be a great way to get your message to a targeted audience. However, it should be one part of your overall marketing plan. Done correctly you can drive traffic instantly with PPC search engines and build traffic organically through some of the free methods above. Give them all a try and keep at it until you see the results you desire. Good luck!
Article Writing vs. PPC Search Engines – These two methods are equally effective but at different time scales.
The article writing technique is the best long term FREE technique I know of to get the word out. However, if you don’t have weeks to wait for your article to show then this is not an option for you. So, your decision about writing articles or using ppc search engines to promote your wares should be made based on how quickly you need to get your message out.
Forum Postings vs. PPC Search Engines – Another great FREE way to get the world out is through forum postings. This does however take a little work and it will take a week or more for your message to get indexed. But, if long term advertising methods and FREE are your desired path to success then this is a great method for you. However, you must be patient and you can’t expect your website to show within 24 hours like you can with ppc search engines traffic.
Solo Advertising vs. PPC Search Engines – This final method is a paid method, just like ppc search engines but the difference is that you are sending your ad (i.e. email) to a specific audience that has already shown a desire to get products like yours. So, your audience will never be more targeted. However, most good ezines take anywhere from one week to one month to get your solo advertising email out. And, while it can be VERY effective it will never be quicker than using ppc search engines to get the word out. I would recommend that you actually use both of these types of strategies as part of your plan.
In conclusion, I hope you see that PPC Search Engines can be a great way to get your message to a targeted audience. However, it should be one part of your overall marketing plan. Done correctly you can drive traffic instantly with PPC search engines and build traffic organically through some of the free methods above. Give them all a try and keep at it until you see the results you desire. Good luck!
PPC Search Engines – Your Key To Increasing Sales!
In any business, online or off line, the key to success is increasing sales. Without increasing sales your business will die, no question about it. But, how is the best way to do this? In my opinion, PPC search engines are the best and quickest way to get the word out about your product. There is no other method that I know of that allows your business or product to be seen to an audience of millions in one hour or less. Let me compare a few methods . . .
Article Writing vs. PPC Search Engines – These two methods are equally effective but at different time scales.
The article writing technique is the best long term FREE technique I know of to get the word out. However, if you don’t have weeks to wait for your article to show then this is not an option for you. So, your decision about writing articles or using ppc search engines to promote your wares should be made based on how quickly you need to get your message out.
Forum Postings vs. PPC Search Engines – Another great FREE way to get the world out is through forum postings. This does however take a little work and it will take a week or more for your message to get indexed. But, if long term advertising methods and FREE are your desired path to success then this is a great method for you. However, you must be patient and you can’t expect your website to show within 24 hours like you can with ppc search engines traffic.
Solo Advertising vs. PPC Search Engines – This final method is a paid method, just like ppc search engines but the difference is that you are sending your ad (i.e. email) to a specific audience that has already shown a desire to get products like yours. So, your audience will never be more targeted. However, most good ezines take anywhere from one week to one month to get your solo advertising email out. And, while it can be VERY effective it will never be quicker than using ppc search engines to get the word out. I would recommend that you actually use both of these types of strategies as part of your plan.
In conclusion, I hope you see that PPC Search Engines can be a great way to get your message to a targeted audience. However, it should be one part of your overall marketing plan. Done correctly you can drive traffic instantly with PPC search engines and build traffic organically through some of the free methods above. Give them all a try and keep at it until you see the results you desire. Good luck!
Article Writing vs. PPC Search Engines – These two methods are equally effective but at different time scales.
The article writing technique is the best long term FREE technique I know of to get the word out. However, if you don’t have weeks to wait for your article to show then this is not an option for you. So, your decision about writing articles or using ppc search engines to promote your wares should be made based on how quickly you need to get your message out.
Forum Postings vs. PPC Search Engines – Another great FREE way to get the world out is through forum postings. This does however take a little work and it will take a week or more for your message to get indexed. But, if long term advertising methods and FREE are your desired path to success then this is a great method for you. However, you must be patient and you can’t expect your website to show within 24 hours like you can with ppc search engines traffic.
Solo Advertising vs. PPC Search Engines – This final method is a paid method, just like ppc search engines but the difference is that you are sending your ad (i.e. email) to a specific audience that has already shown a desire to get products like yours. So, your audience will never be more targeted. However, most good ezines take anywhere from one week to one month to get your solo advertising email out. And, while it can be VERY effective it will never be quicker than using ppc search engines to get the word out. I would recommend that you actually use both of these types of strategies as part of your plan.
In conclusion, I hope you see that PPC Search Engines can be a great way to get your message to a targeted audience. However, it should be one part of your overall marketing plan. Done correctly you can drive traffic instantly with PPC search engines and build traffic organically through some of the free methods above. Give them all a try and keep at it until you see the results you desire. Good luck!
NYE, 3,2,1!

New York City's ball-dropping tradition in Times Square has pretty much become synonymous with New year's Eve. Here's how towns across the United States have gotten in on the act.
-The ball dropped in New York City weighs more than 1,000 pounds and contains hundreds of Waterford crystal triangles. The ball dropped now is more than twice as bright as the original thanks to state-of-the-art LED lighting effects.
-The highlight of the First Night event in Atlanta, Georgia is the dropping of an 800-pound peach.
-Celebrations in Key West, Florida ring in the New Year in three ways: by dropping a conch shell, a pirate wench from the mast of a tall ship, and a six-foot-tall red high-heel shoe carrying a drag queen.
-Port Clinton, Ohio, known as the Walleye Capital of the World, drops a 20-foot, 600-pound walleye from the sky each year at the stroke of midnight. During the celebration, the town serves walleye chowder, walleye sandwiches, walleye cinnamon chips, and walleye popcorn. A local winery has even created a "walleye white."
-In 2000, the fishing community of Point Pleasant, New Jersey, dropped a ten-foot wooden replica of an Atlantic baitfish. "Mo the Millennium Mossbunker" was covered with 1,500 mylar scales.
-A sardine, the symbol of Eastport, Maine, is dropped in the easternmost city in the United States. The 22-foot structure is made of lumber and chicken wire and is decorated with silver sequins. Between appearances, it is stored in a restaurant named The Pickled Herring.
-Pennsylvania boasts an unusual lineup of New Year's Eve celebrations. Residents of Lebanon, witness the dropping of a 100-pound, 16 foot stick of bologna; in Dillsberg, it's an 8-foot-tall papier-mache pickle. The folks in Falmouth lower a stuffed goat to honor the town's goat races, and in Wilkes-Barre, a chunk of coal "transforms" into a diamond as it descends.
-At Don Theo's House in central Florida, I drop my left eyelid in a ceremonious wink goodbye to the last year while shooting a big thumbs up to the new one.
NYE, 3,2,1!

New York City's ball-dropping tradition in Times Square has pretty much become synonymous with New year's Eve. Here's how towns across the United States have gotten in on the act.
-The ball dropped in New York City weighs more than 1,000 pounds and contains hundreds of Waterford crystal triangles. The ball dropped now is more than twice as bright as the original thanks to state-of-the-art LED lighting effects.
-The highlight of the First Night event in Atlanta, Georgia is the dropping of an 800-pound peach.
-Celebrations in Key West, Florida ring in the New Year in three ways: by dropping a conch shell, a pirate wench from the mast of a tall ship, and a six-foot-tall red high-heel shoe carrying a drag queen.
-Port Clinton, Ohio, known as the Walleye Capital of the World, drops a 20-foot, 600-pound walleye from the sky each year at the stroke of midnight. During the celebration, the town serves walleye chowder, walleye sandwiches, walleye cinnamon chips, and walleye popcorn. A local winery has even created a "walleye white."
-In 2000, the fishing community of Point Pleasant, New Jersey, dropped a ten-foot wooden replica of an Atlantic baitfish. "Mo the Millennium Mossbunker" was covered with 1,500 mylar scales.
-A sardine, the symbol of Eastport, Maine, is dropped in the easternmost city in the United States. The 22-foot structure is made of lumber and chicken wire and is decorated with silver sequins. Between appearances, it is stored in a restaurant named The Pickled Herring.
-Pennsylvania boasts an unusual lineup of New Year's Eve celebrations. Residents of Lebanon, witness the dropping of a 100-pound, 16 foot stick of bologna; in Dillsberg, it's an 8-foot-tall papier-mache pickle. The folks in Falmouth lower a stuffed goat to honor the town's goat races, and in Wilkes-Barre, a chunk of coal "transforms" into a diamond as it descends.
-At Don Theo's House in central Florida, I drop my left eyelid in a ceremonious wink goodbye to the last year while shooting a big thumbs up to the new one.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Feverfew in the garden and around the home
Feverfew has very sweet daisy like flowers with white petals and yellow centers. They bloom from the midsummer through fall.
The bright green leaves are highly aromatic. These plants are hardy from zones 5-9
Some have used feverfew's fresh or dried stems to floral arrangements, and some have used the dried flowers to add color to potpourri.
Leaves and stems of feverfew produce a yellow-green dye. The tea can even be used as a mild household disenfectant for cleaning.
The bright green leaves are highly aromatic. These plants are hardy from zones 5-9
Some have used feverfew's fresh or dried stems to floral arrangements, and some have used the dried flowers to add color to potpourri.
Leaves and stems of feverfew produce a yellow-green dye. The tea can even be used as a mild household disenfectant for cleaning.
Feverfew in the garden and around the home
Feverfew has very sweet daisy like flowers with white petals and yellow centers. They bloom from the midsummer through fall.
The bright green leaves are highly aromatic. These plants are hardy from zones 5-9
Some have used feverfew's fresh or dried stems to floral arrangements, and some have used the dried flowers to add color to potpourri.
Leaves and stems of feverfew produce a yellow-green dye. The tea can even be used as a mild household disenfectant for cleaning.
The bright green leaves are highly aromatic. These plants are hardy from zones 5-9
Some have used feverfew's fresh or dried stems to floral arrangements, and some have used the dried flowers to add color to potpourri.
Leaves and stems of feverfew produce a yellow-green dye. The tea can even be used as a mild household disenfectant for cleaning.
Prepare feverfew to use
Some people have been known to eat the leaves of feverfew to prevent migraine headaches. They eat 1-3 leaves daily, sometimes in between bread. If irritation should occur in your mouth, try eating with bread or eating with other foods, maybe in a salad.
For Feverfew Tea:
You can add 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves to hot boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs, and reheat if cooled down too much. Add sugar, honey or lemon to your liking. Drink one cup a day as needed.
A neat tip I have heard, was to add peppermint or spearmint leaves to add extra flavor as well.
Some people have been known to eat the leaves of feverfew to prevent migraine headaches. They eat 1-3 leaves daily, sometimes in between bread. If irritation should occur in your mouth, try eating with bread or eating with other foods, maybe in a salad.
For Feverfew Tea:
You can add 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves to hot boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs, and reheat if cooled down too much. Add sugar, honey or lemon to your liking. Drink one cup a day as needed.
A neat tip I have heard, was to add peppermint or spearmint leaves to add extra flavor as well.
Prepare feverfew to use
Some people have been known to eat the leaves of feverfew to prevent migraine headaches. They eat 1-3 leaves daily, sometimes in between bread. If irritation should occur in your mouth, try eating with bread or eating with other foods, maybe in a salad.
For Feverfew Tea:
You can add 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves to hot boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs, and reheat if cooled down too much. Add sugar, honey or lemon to your liking. Drink one cup a day as needed.
A neat tip I have heard, was to add peppermint or spearmint leaves to add extra flavor as well.
Some people have been known to eat the leaves of feverfew to prevent migraine headaches. They eat 1-3 leaves daily, sometimes in between bread. If irritation should occur in your mouth, try eating with bread or eating with other foods, maybe in a salad.
For Feverfew Tea:
You can add 2 teaspoons of fresh leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried leaves to hot boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain out the herbs, and reheat if cooled down too much. Add sugar, honey or lemon to your liking. Drink one cup a day as needed.
A neat tip I have heard, was to add peppermint or spearmint leaves to add extra flavor as well.
Health benefits of feverfew
The parts used for any health benefits, are the leaves.
Feverfew is best known for helping to prevent migraine headaches. Some have experienced a reduction in both the frequency and severity of their migraine headaches. To do this, some people have actually just eaten the leaves daily, or made a tea from them.
The tea made from feverfew has been known to be beneficial for arthritis pain, to encourage menstruation, and to relieve menstrual discomfort.
It has an anti inflammatory effect.
(Disclaimer, please always contact your physician before trying to treat any condition you may have. These results have not been tested by the food and drug administration to my understanding.)
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have found this information useful.
Feverfew is best known for helping to prevent migraine headaches. Some have experienced a reduction in both the frequency and severity of their migraine headaches. To do this, some people have actually just eaten the leaves daily, or made a tea from them.
The tea made from feverfew has been known to be beneficial for arthritis pain, to encourage menstruation, and to relieve menstrual discomfort.
It has an anti inflammatory effect.
(Disclaimer, please always contact your physician before trying to treat any condition you may have. These results have not been tested by the food and drug administration to my understanding.)
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have found this information useful.
Health benefits of feverfew
The parts used for any health benefits, are the leaves.
Feverfew is best known for helping to prevent migraine headaches. Some have experienced a reduction in both the frequency and severity of their migraine headaches. To do this, some people have actually just eaten the leaves daily, or made a tea from them.
The tea made from feverfew has been known to be beneficial for arthritis pain, to encourage menstruation, and to relieve menstrual discomfort.
It has an anti inflammatory effect.
(Disclaimer, please always contact your physician before trying to treat any condition you may have. These results have not been tested by the food and drug administration to my understanding.)
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have found this information useful.
Feverfew is best known for helping to prevent migraine headaches. Some have experienced a reduction in both the frequency and severity of their migraine headaches. To do this, some people have actually just eaten the leaves daily, or made a tea from them.
The tea made from feverfew has been known to be beneficial for arthritis pain, to encourage menstruation, and to relieve menstrual discomfort.
It has an anti inflammatory effect.
(Disclaimer, please always contact your physician before trying to treat any condition you may have. These results have not been tested by the food and drug administration to my understanding.)
Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have found this information useful.
Planting seeds for feverfew in your own garden
You can grow many herbs in your garden, and feverfew is no exception. Here are some things to know.
1. Sow the seeds outdoors in spring in a sunny, to partially shady location.
2. You will want soil that is well drained, and you will want to make sure there is no chance of another frost for that year in your area.
3. Press seeds gently into the soil and do not cover them with any soil. Light aids these seeds in their germination.
4. If you are desiring an earlier harvest, or if you have a short growing season, you can start the seeds earlier indoors. Plant seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date in your area.
5. You will notice the seeds sprouting in about 7-14 days.
6. You will want to place the plants about 8-12 inches apart. They will grow to about 2 feet high.
7. Being a perennial, once established and growing well, this plant will come back year after year.
1. Sow the seeds outdoors in spring in a sunny, to partially shady location.
2. You will want soil that is well drained, and you will want to make sure there is no chance of another frost for that year in your area.
3. Press seeds gently into the soil and do not cover them with any soil. Light aids these seeds in their germination.
4. If you are desiring an earlier harvest, or if you have a short growing season, you can start the seeds earlier indoors. Plant seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date in your area.
5. You will notice the seeds sprouting in about 7-14 days.
6. You will want to place the plants about 8-12 inches apart. They will grow to about 2 feet high.
7. Being a perennial, once established and growing well, this plant will come back year after year.
Planting seeds for feverfew in your own garden
You can grow many herbs in your garden, and feverfew is no exception. Here are some things to know.
1. Sow the seeds outdoors in spring in a sunny, to partially shady location.
2. You will want soil that is well drained, and you will want to make sure there is no chance of another frost for that year in your area.
3. Press seeds gently into the soil and do not cover them with any soil. Light aids these seeds in their germination.
4. If you are desiring an earlier harvest, or if you have a short growing season, you can start the seeds earlier indoors. Plant seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date in your area.
5. You will notice the seeds sprouting in about 7-14 days.
6. You will want to place the plants about 8-12 inches apart. They will grow to about 2 feet high.
7. Being a perennial, once established and growing well, this plant will come back year after year.
1. Sow the seeds outdoors in spring in a sunny, to partially shady location.
2. You will want soil that is well drained, and you will want to make sure there is no chance of another frost for that year in your area.
3. Press seeds gently into the soil and do not cover them with any soil. Light aids these seeds in their germination.
4. If you are desiring an earlier harvest, or if you have a short growing season, you can start the seeds earlier indoors. Plant seeds indoors 6 weeks before the last frost date in your area.
5. You will notice the seeds sprouting in about 7-14 days.
6. You will want to place the plants about 8-12 inches apart. They will grow to about 2 feet high.
7. Being a perennial, once established and growing well, this plant will come back year after year.
Monday, December 28, 2009
The Summit
My Grandfather’s home-teacher, Steve Frisbee, spoke at his funeral in November and shared the following quotation from a French mountaineer as part of his remarks:
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know. —Rene Daumal, Mount Analogue
This got me thinking in all kinds of ways. I spoke about some of my thoughts on this topic in church on Sunday, December 27, 2009. Happy to discuss offline or in person online. Happy New Year!
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know. —Rene Daumal, Mount Analogue
This got me thinking in all kinds of ways. I spoke about some of my thoughts on this topic in church on Sunday, December 27, 2009. Happy to discuss offline or in person online. Happy New Year!
The Summit
My Grandfather’s home-teacher, Steve Frisbee, spoke at his funeral in November and shared the following quotation from a French mountaineer as part of his remarks:
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know. —Rene Daumal, Mount Analogue
This got me thinking in all kinds of ways. I spoke about some of my thoughts on this topic in church on Sunday, December 27, 2009. Happy to discuss offline or in person online. Happy New Year!
You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know. —Rene Daumal, Mount Analogue
This got me thinking in all kinds of ways. I spoke about some of my thoughts on this topic in church on Sunday, December 27, 2009. Happy to discuss offline or in person online. Happy New Year!
Using and preparing meadowsweet to use
Making Meadowsweet Tea:
Steep one teaspoon of dried leaves, or 2 teaspoons of fresh, in one cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes. Add any sweetener to your taste. Strain out the herb and you can have it up to 3 times daily as needed.
Note*** If you are sensitive to aspirin, you may want to avoid meadowsweet taken internally.
As a compress:
Soak a clean cloth in tea and apply to any painful joints.
Steep one teaspoon of dried leaves, or 2 teaspoons of fresh, in one cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes. Add any sweetener to your taste. Strain out the herb and you can have it up to 3 times daily as needed.
Note*** If you are sensitive to aspirin, you may want to avoid meadowsweet taken internally.
As a compress:
Soak a clean cloth in tea and apply to any painful joints.
Using and preparing meadowsweet to use
Making Meadowsweet Tea:
Steep one teaspoon of dried leaves, or 2 teaspoons of fresh, in one cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes. Add any sweetener to your taste. Strain out the herb and you can have it up to 3 times daily as needed.
Note*** If you are sensitive to aspirin, you may want to avoid meadowsweet taken internally.
As a compress:
Soak a clean cloth in tea and apply to any painful joints.
Steep one teaspoon of dried leaves, or 2 teaspoons of fresh, in one cup of boiling water. Steep for 10-15 minutes. Add any sweetener to your taste. Strain out the herb and you can have it up to 3 times daily as needed.
Note*** If you are sensitive to aspirin, you may want to avoid meadowsweet taken internally.
As a compress:
Soak a clean cloth in tea and apply to any painful joints.
Learn to grow meadowsweet
You can sow meadowsweet in either the spring or fall, in a sunny to partially shady location. You will want to find rich, moist, well drained soil. Make sure there is no chance of frost coming soon after planting.
Sow the seeds of meadowsweet right on the surface , firm it in lightly with palm, and leave uncovered. Keep it moist.
If you want an earlier harvest, you can sow the seeds indoor 6-8 weeks before the last frost in your area.
Meadowsweet is a perennial, so you can enjoy it year after year after it is established. You can harvest leaves as needed and flowering tops when the plants bloom.
Sow the seeds of meadowsweet right on the surface , firm it in lightly with palm, and leave uncovered. Keep it moist.
If you want an earlier harvest, you can sow the seeds indoor 6-8 weeks before the last frost in your area.
Meadowsweet is a perennial, so you can enjoy it year after year after it is established. You can harvest leaves as needed and flowering tops when the plants bloom.
Learn to grow meadowsweet
You can sow meadowsweet in either the spring or fall, in a sunny to partially shady location. You will want to find rich, moist, well drained soil. Make sure there is no chance of frost coming soon after planting.
Sow the seeds of meadowsweet right on the surface , firm it in lightly with palm, and leave uncovered. Keep it moist.
If you want an earlier harvest, you can sow the seeds indoor 6-8 weeks before the last frost in your area.
Meadowsweet is a perennial, so you can enjoy it year after year after it is established. You can harvest leaves as needed and flowering tops when the plants bloom.
Sow the seeds of meadowsweet right on the surface , firm it in lightly with palm, and leave uncovered. Keep it moist.
If you want an earlier harvest, you can sow the seeds indoor 6-8 weeks before the last frost in your area.
Meadowsweet is a perennial, so you can enjoy it year after year after it is established. You can harvest leaves as needed and flowering tops when the plants bloom.
Possible medicinal uses of Meadowsweet
I found out something rather fascinating about meadowsweet that I didn't know before. Did you know that modern-day aspirin was developed from salicylic acid which is extracted from meadowsweet? Meadowsweet is used now as gentler, milder pain reliever for headaches, low grade fevers, menstrual cramps, and muscle pain.
Meadowsweet is also considered a valuable digestive remedy, especially for heartburn and nausea. You can take it as a tea or as a more concentrated tincture.
Meadowsweet can act as a sedative.
*The parts used are the leaves and flowering tops
Special note, please contact your doctor first for all your medical care. Always be careful of substituting anything in place of doctors orders.
Meadowsweet is also considered a valuable digestive remedy, especially for heartburn and nausea. You can take it as a tea or as a more concentrated tincture.
Meadowsweet can act as a sedative.
*The parts used are the leaves and flowering tops
Special note, please contact your doctor first for all your medical care. Always be careful of substituting anything in place of doctors orders.
Possible medicinal uses of Meadowsweet
I found out something rather fascinating about meadowsweet that I didn't know before. Did you know that modern-day aspirin was developed from salicylic acid which is extracted from meadowsweet? Meadowsweet is used now as gentler, milder pain reliever for headaches, low grade fevers, menstrual cramps, and muscle pain.
Meadowsweet is also considered a valuable digestive remedy, especially for heartburn and nausea. You can take it as a tea or as a more concentrated tincture.
Meadowsweet can act as a sedative.
*The parts used are the leaves and flowering tops
Special note, please contact your doctor first for all your medical care. Always be careful of substituting anything in place of doctors orders.
Meadowsweet is also considered a valuable digestive remedy, especially for heartburn and nausea. You can take it as a tea or as a more concentrated tincture.
Meadowsweet can act as a sedative.
*The parts used are the leaves and flowering tops
Special note, please contact your doctor first for all your medical care. Always be careful of substituting anything in place of doctors orders.
Using meadowsweet
The main use for meadowsweet will be in the garden, and is known as Queen of the meadow for its striking beauty. It is fragrant, and has fluffy white flowers which bloom in midsummer. The flowers are atop palm shaped leaves. It is beautiful in meadow gardens and borders. These plants are pretty hardy, they grow well in zones 2-10.
You can use meadowsweet in floral arrangements. You can dry the flowers and use in potpourri.
You can use meadowsweet in floral arrangements. You can dry the flowers and use in potpourri.
Using meadowsweet
The main use for meadowsweet will be in the garden, and is known as Queen of the meadow for its striking beauty. It is fragrant, and has fluffy white flowers which bloom in midsummer. The flowers are atop palm shaped leaves. It is beautiful in meadow gardens and borders. These plants are pretty hardy, they grow well in zones 2-10.
You can use meadowsweet in floral arrangements. You can dry the flowers and use in potpourri.
You can use meadowsweet in floral arrangements. You can dry the flowers and use in potpourri.
There are some other names that have been used for Medowsweet, they are:
Queen of the Meadow, Pride of the Meadow, Meadow-Wort, Meadow Queen, Lady of the Meadow, Dollof, Meadsweet and Bridewort. So if you are researching and wanting to learn more about meadowsweet, make sure to look up the other names as well. By looking at the other names, you can see it must be a beautiful and special herb.
Thank you for stopping by my blog :)
Queen of the Meadow, Pride of the Meadow, Meadow-Wort, Meadow Queen, Lady of the Meadow, Dollof, Meadsweet and Bridewort. So if you are researching and wanting to learn more about meadowsweet, make sure to look up the other names as well. By looking at the other names, you can see it must be a beautiful and special herb.
Thank you for stopping by my blog :)
There are some other names that have been used for Medowsweet, they are:
Queen of the Meadow, Pride of the Meadow, Meadow-Wort, Meadow Queen, Lady of the Meadow, Dollof, Meadsweet and Bridewort. So if you are researching and wanting to learn more about meadowsweet, make sure to look up the other names as well. By looking at the other names, you can see it must be a beautiful and special herb.
Thank you for stopping by my blog :)
Queen of the Meadow, Pride of the Meadow, Meadow-Wort, Meadow Queen, Lady of the Meadow, Dollof, Meadsweet and Bridewort. So if you are researching and wanting to learn more about meadowsweet, make sure to look up the other names as well. By looking at the other names, you can see it must be a beautiful and special herb.
Thank you for stopping by my blog :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
How To Get A Google Adwords Promotional Code?
Google often provides a Google Adwords promotional code through web hosting companies, banks or other entities who frequently deal with online businesses.
These codes offer credits to businesses when they sign up for the service. You can get a Google Adwords promotional code from other places, particularly online vendors who partner with Google. GoDaddy and BlueHost are two vendors who offer the promotions, and sometimes they are available directly from Google itself.
Naturally, Google is anxious for you to try out their program, and most businesses these days are trying to save money wherever possible, so the Google Adwords promotional codes work well all around.
In order to get your code to work, you´ll need to set up an Adwords account. If you already have an account, you probably can´t use the code, since they are generally meant only for brand new accounts.
- Browse over to the Adwords homepage at
- Click on the button that says, ´Start Now´
- Create an Adwords account by following the steps in the sign up wizard.
- After you have an account established, sign in.
- Click on the tab labeled ´My Account´.
- Click on the button labeled ´Billing Preferences´.
- When asked for billing information to activate your account, you´ll get to the third step. There you´ll find the field where you can enter the 12 digit promotional code. If you received a URL with the code, then go to the URL first, and you can leave the code field blank. Your promotional credit is applied to the account automatically.
- Click on the button labeled ´Continue´, and you´ll be prompted to enter the rest of your billing information.
- Clicking on ´Activate´ will complete the setup process.
There are some caveats to remember when using a Google Adwords promotional code. First, they are meant for new advertisers only. They´re only good for 14 days after creating the account, or until the credit is exhausted, whichever comes first.
If the promotional credit runs out, you will start being charged for the campaigns you´ve set up. (That´s why they still want your complete billing information, of course.)
If you´re not prepared to pay, or you don´t think it´s working out for the time being, go into your account and click on the ´Pause´ feature for your campaigns.
Naturally, you can´t combine a Google Adwords promotional code with another promotional code or any other offer from Google. As it says in the fine print, ´limit one per customer´.
The code is usually only valid for two weeks after you create the Adwords account, so be sure to get started right away with your campaign.
It´s a good idea to check with Google if there is a service or other online company that is offering you a Google Adwords promotional code in exchange for signing up with their service. Be sure Google has a relationship with them before you grab that offer.
If you get a code out of the blue from a company you´ve never worked with, be skeptical - the code may not be valid.
These codes offer credits to businesses when they sign up for the service. You can get a Google Adwords promotional code from other places, particularly online vendors who partner with Google. GoDaddy and BlueHost are two vendors who offer the promotions, and sometimes they are available directly from Google itself.
Naturally, Google is anxious for you to try out their program, and most businesses these days are trying to save money wherever possible, so the Google Adwords promotional codes work well all around.
In order to get your code to work, you´ll need to set up an Adwords account. If you already have an account, you probably can´t use the code, since they are generally meant only for brand new accounts.
- Browse over to the Adwords homepage at
- Click on the button that says, ´Start Now´
- Create an Adwords account by following the steps in the sign up wizard.
- After you have an account established, sign in.
- Click on the tab labeled ´My Account´.
- Click on the button labeled ´Billing Preferences´.
- When asked for billing information to activate your account, you´ll get to the third step. There you´ll find the field where you can enter the 12 digit promotional code. If you received a URL with the code, then go to the URL first, and you can leave the code field blank. Your promotional credit is applied to the account automatically.
- Click on the button labeled ´Continue´, and you´ll be prompted to enter the rest of your billing information.
- Clicking on ´Activate´ will complete the setup process.
There are some caveats to remember when using a Google Adwords promotional code. First, they are meant for new advertisers only. They´re only good for 14 days after creating the account, or until the credit is exhausted, whichever comes first.
If the promotional credit runs out, you will start being charged for the campaigns you´ve set up. (That´s why they still want your complete billing information, of course.)
If you´re not prepared to pay, or you don´t think it´s working out for the time being, go into your account and click on the ´Pause´ feature for your campaigns.
Naturally, you can´t combine a Google Adwords promotional code with another promotional code or any other offer from Google. As it says in the fine print, ´limit one per customer´.
The code is usually only valid for two weeks after you create the Adwords account, so be sure to get started right away with your campaign.
It´s a good idea to check with Google if there is a service or other online company that is offering you a Google Adwords promotional code in exchange for signing up with their service. Be sure Google has a relationship with them before you grab that offer.
If you get a code out of the blue from a company you´ve never worked with, be skeptical - the code may not be valid.
How To Get A Google Adwords Promotional Code?
Google often provides a Google Adwords promotional code through web hosting companies, banks or other entities who frequently deal with online businesses.
These codes offer credits to businesses when they sign up for the service. You can get a Google Adwords promotional code from other places, particularly online vendors who partner with Google. GoDaddy and BlueHost are two vendors who offer the promotions, and sometimes they are available directly from Google itself.
Naturally, Google is anxious for you to try out their program, and most businesses these days are trying to save money wherever possible, so the Google Adwords promotional codes work well all around.
In order to get your code to work, you´ll need to set up an Adwords account. If you already have an account, you probably can´t use the code, since they are generally meant only for brand new accounts.
- Browse over to the Adwords homepage at
- Click on the button that says, ´Start Now´
- Create an Adwords account by following the steps in the sign up wizard.
- After you have an account established, sign in.
- Click on the tab labeled ´My Account´.
- Click on the button labeled ´Billing Preferences´.
- When asked for billing information to activate your account, you´ll get to the third step. There you´ll find the field where you can enter the 12 digit promotional code. If you received a URL with the code, then go to the URL first, and you can leave the code field blank. Your promotional credit is applied to the account automatically.
- Click on the button labeled ´Continue´, and you´ll be prompted to enter the rest of your billing information.
- Clicking on ´Activate´ will complete the setup process.
There are some caveats to remember when using a Google Adwords promotional code. First, they are meant for new advertisers only. They´re only good for 14 days after creating the account, or until the credit is exhausted, whichever comes first.
If the promotional credit runs out, you will start being charged for the campaigns you´ve set up. (That´s why they still want your complete billing information, of course.)
If you´re not prepared to pay, or you don´t think it´s working out for the time being, go into your account and click on the ´Pause´ feature for your campaigns.
Naturally, you can´t combine a Google Adwords promotional code with another promotional code or any other offer from Google. As it says in the fine print, ´limit one per customer´.
The code is usually only valid for two weeks after you create the Adwords account, so be sure to get started right away with your campaign.
It´s a good idea to check with Google if there is a service or other online company that is offering you a Google Adwords promotional code in exchange for signing up with their service. Be sure Google has a relationship with them before you grab that offer.
If you get a code out of the blue from a company you´ve never worked with, be skeptical - the code may not be valid.
These codes offer credits to businesses when they sign up for the service. You can get a Google Adwords promotional code from other places, particularly online vendors who partner with Google. GoDaddy and BlueHost are two vendors who offer the promotions, and sometimes they are available directly from Google itself.
Naturally, Google is anxious for you to try out their program, and most businesses these days are trying to save money wherever possible, so the Google Adwords promotional codes work well all around.
In order to get your code to work, you´ll need to set up an Adwords account. If you already have an account, you probably can´t use the code, since they are generally meant only for brand new accounts.
- Browse over to the Adwords homepage at
- Click on the button that says, ´Start Now´
- Create an Adwords account by following the steps in the sign up wizard.
- After you have an account established, sign in.
- Click on the tab labeled ´My Account´.
- Click on the button labeled ´Billing Preferences´.
- When asked for billing information to activate your account, you´ll get to the third step. There you´ll find the field where you can enter the 12 digit promotional code. If you received a URL with the code, then go to the URL first, and you can leave the code field blank. Your promotional credit is applied to the account automatically.
- Click on the button labeled ´Continue´, and you´ll be prompted to enter the rest of your billing information.
- Clicking on ´Activate´ will complete the setup process.
There are some caveats to remember when using a Google Adwords promotional code. First, they are meant for new advertisers only. They´re only good for 14 days after creating the account, or until the credit is exhausted, whichever comes first.
If the promotional credit runs out, you will start being charged for the campaigns you´ve set up. (That´s why they still want your complete billing information, of course.)
If you´re not prepared to pay, or you don´t think it´s working out for the time being, go into your account and click on the ´Pause´ feature for your campaigns.
Naturally, you can´t combine a Google Adwords promotional code with another promotional code or any other offer from Google. As it says in the fine print, ´limit one per customer´.
The code is usually only valid for two weeks after you create the Adwords account, so be sure to get started right away with your campaign.
It´s a good idea to check with Google if there is a service or other online company that is offering you a Google Adwords promotional code in exchange for signing up with their service. Be sure Google has a relationship with them before you grab that offer.
If you get a code out of the blue from a company you´ve never worked with, be skeptical - the code may not be valid.
Adwords Cost How To Guide
According to Google, Adwords cost is as much or as little as you would like to spend. In reality, it may not work out that neatly to get the results you are hoping to get, but there is a wide variety in spending options.
The basic costs are a $5.00 activation fee (US dollars) and the minimum cost per click (CPC) on your ad, which is $.01. The minimum cost per thousand impressions, or thousand times your webpage is loaded by a user (CPM) is $.25.
Google offers two options for payment. One is to prepay a certain amount, set up your campaign, then let it go until you have reached the end of the money. In this way you know your Adwords cost before you begin, and can control it easily. The minimum amount for a prepayment is $10.
If you are less concerned with the budget, you can opt for the post-pay method to pay your Adwords cost. With this method, your campaign runs, then at the end of the billing cycle, you are charged the amount that has accrued.
For either type of payment, you´ll need to enter an appropriate credit or debit card or bank account information to activate the account. Google only accepts U.S. bank accounts for bank transfers.
They accept American Express, JCB, Mastercard, and Visa credit cards, and any debit cards with a Mastercard or Visa card logo on them.
Fees per click or per impression can go much higher than the minimum. Google gives you tools to control that aspect of the Adwords cost by allowing you to set either limits on the amount you´re willing to spend each day, or a limit on how much you´re willing to pay per click or per thousand impressions, or both.
It´s possible to project Adwords cost by using the Google keyword tool and get a general idea of how much things will cost.
You can see if you will be able to get the results you´re hoping for with the amount you´re willing to spend, and if not, can find out what you need to spend.
It is easy to predict the amount you´ll spend each day, since you can post a maximum budget for daily spending after establishing the framework for costs.
After that, you´ll want to evaluate your keywords, adjust text, look at ad placements, and generally tweak your campaign in order to make the most of the program.
Using tools can add to your Adwords cost if you choose to utilize third party tools, but some of those may pay off for you by increasing revenue.
You´ll need to know enough about how your campaign is going and what it needs to improve so that you can evaluate what tools will best help you have a successful experience with your Adwords campaign.
Keeping a careful watch on your search parameters and keywords, controlling the amount you´re willing to pay and setting a daily budget can help you keep your Adwords cost under control.
The basic costs are a $5.00 activation fee (US dollars) and the minimum cost per click (CPC) on your ad, which is $.01. The minimum cost per thousand impressions, or thousand times your webpage is loaded by a user (CPM) is $.25.
Google offers two options for payment. One is to prepay a certain amount, set up your campaign, then let it go until you have reached the end of the money. In this way you know your Adwords cost before you begin, and can control it easily. The minimum amount for a prepayment is $10.
If you are less concerned with the budget, you can opt for the post-pay method to pay your Adwords cost. With this method, your campaign runs, then at the end of the billing cycle, you are charged the amount that has accrued.
For either type of payment, you´ll need to enter an appropriate credit or debit card or bank account information to activate the account. Google only accepts U.S. bank accounts for bank transfers.
They accept American Express, JCB, Mastercard, and Visa credit cards, and any debit cards with a Mastercard or Visa card logo on them.
Fees per click or per impression can go much higher than the minimum. Google gives you tools to control that aspect of the Adwords cost by allowing you to set either limits on the amount you´re willing to spend each day, or a limit on how much you´re willing to pay per click or per thousand impressions, or both.
It´s possible to project Adwords cost by using the Google keyword tool and get a general idea of how much things will cost.
You can see if you will be able to get the results you´re hoping for with the amount you´re willing to spend, and if not, can find out what you need to spend.
It is easy to predict the amount you´ll spend each day, since you can post a maximum budget for daily spending after establishing the framework for costs.
After that, you´ll want to evaluate your keywords, adjust text, look at ad placements, and generally tweak your campaign in order to make the most of the program.
Using tools can add to your Adwords cost if you choose to utilize third party tools, but some of those may pay off for you by increasing revenue.
You´ll need to know enough about how your campaign is going and what it needs to improve so that you can evaluate what tools will best help you have a successful experience with your Adwords campaign.
Keeping a careful watch on your search parameters and keywords, controlling the amount you´re willing to pay and setting a daily budget can help you keep your Adwords cost under control.
Adwords Cost How To Guide
According to Google, Adwords cost is as much or as little as you would like to spend. In reality, it may not work out that neatly to get the results you are hoping to get, but there is a wide variety in spending options.
The basic costs are a $5.00 activation fee (US dollars) and the minimum cost per click (CPC) on your ad, which is $.01. The minimum cost per thousand impressions, or thousand times your webpage is loaded by a user (CPM) is $.25.
Google offers two options for payment. One is to prepay a certain amount, set up your campaign, then let it go until you have reached the end of the money. In this way you know your Adwords cost before you begin, and can control it easily. The minimum amount for a prepayment is $10.
If you are less concerned with the budget, you can opt for the post-pay method to pay your Adwords cost. With this method, your campaign runs, then at the end of the billing cycle, you are charged the amount that has accrued.
For either type of payment, you´ll need to enter an appropriate credit or debit card or bank account information to activate the account. Google only accepts U.S. bank accounts for bank transfers.
They accept American Express, JCB, Mastercard, and Visa credit cards, and any debit cards with a Mastercard or Visa card logo on them.
Fees per click or per impression can go much higher than the minimum. Google gives you tools to control that aspect of the Adwords cost by allowing you to set either limits on the amount you´re willing to spend each day, or a limit on how much you´re willing to pay per click or per thousand impressions, or both.
It´s possible to project Adwords cost by using the Google keyword tool and get a general idea of how much things will cost.
You can see if you will be able to get the results you´re hoping for with the amount you´re willing to spend, and if not, can find out what you need to spend.
It is easy to predict the amount you´ll spend each day, since you can post a maximum budget for daily spending after establishing the framework for costs.
After that, you´ll want to evaluate your keywords, adjust text, look at ad placements, and generally tweak your campaign in order to make the most of the program.
Using tools can add to your Adwords cost if you choose to utilize third party tools, but some of those may pay off for you by increasing revenue.
You´ll need to know enough about how your campaign is going and what it needs to improve so that you can evaluate what tools will best help you have a successful experience with your Adwords campaign.
Keeping a careful watch on your search parameters and keywords, controlling the amount you´re willing to pay and setting a daily budget can help you keep your Adwords cost under control.
The basic costs are a $5.00 activation fee (US dollars) and the minimum cost per click (CPC) on your ad, which is $.01. The minimum cost per thousand impressions, or thousand times your webpage is loaded by a user (CPM) is $.25.
Google offers two options for payment. One is to prepay a certain amount, set up your campaign, then let it go until you have reached the end of the money. In this way you know your Adwords cost before you begin, and can control it easily. The minimum amount for a prepayment is $10.
If you are less concerned with the budget, you can opt for the post-pay method to pay your Adwords cost. With this method, your campaign runs, then at the end of the billing cycle, you are charged the amount that has accrued.
For either type of payment, you´ll need to enter an appropriate credit or debit card or bank account information to activate the account. Google only accepts U.S. bank accounts for bank transfers.
They accept American Express, JCB, Mastercard, and Visa credit cards, and any debit cards with a Mastercard or Visa card logo on them.
Fees per click or per impression can go much higher than the minimum. Google gives you tools to control that aspect of the Adwords cost by allowing you to set either limits on the amount you´re willing to spend each day, or a limit on how much you´re willing to pay per click or per thousand impressions, or both.
It´s possible to project Adwords cost by using the Google keyword tool and get a general idea of how much things will cost.
You can see if you will be able to get the results you´re hoping for with the amount you´re willing to spend, and if not, can find out what you need to spend.
It is easy to predict the amount you´ll spend each day, since you can post a maximum budget for daily spending after establishing the framework for costs.
After that, you´ll want to evaluate your keywords, adjust text, look at ad placements, and generally tweak your campaign in order to make the most of the program.
Using tools can add to your Adwords cost if you choose to utilize third party tools, but some of those may pay off for you by increasing revenue.
You´ll need to know enough about how your campaign is going and what it needs to improve so that you can evaluate what tools will best help you have a successful experience with your Adwords campaign.
Keeping a careful watch on your search parameters and keywords, controlling the amount you´re willing to pay and setting a daily budget can help you keep your Adwords cost under control.
6 Powerful Google Adwords Tips Just For You
While Adwords seems to be the only game in town for PPC marketing these days, it is just as easy to lose with Adwords as it is to win. Here are some basic Google Adwords tips you´ll want to follow as you venture out into the world of Adwords.
1. Avoid Broad Matching to begin with. Broad matching means that if you list a keyword like soda pop in your list of keywords, then your ad could appear any time a user searches for either soda or for pop as well as for soda pop.
2. The next of the Google Adwords tips is to make use of the Dynamic Titles option. These are easy to do, don´t add any cost to your ads, and are generally effective at gaining clicks and conversion. The exact phrase entered by the individual who initiated the search will be used as the title of your ad.
In order to utilize this feature, simply put {keyword:your backup title here}. This also saves you the trouble of coming up with a new title for each ad.
3. Use some global negatives to narrow searches. For example, use ´Free´ as a negative search word if you have a product to sell, not give away. It seems a bit obvious, but if you do some sample searches, you´ll discover that it´s a real problem.
You can do this for other words that you don´t want to waste an ad on. If you are trying broad matching, then you´ll definitely want a long list of negative keywords.
4. Avoid using the "content targeting" and "search network" features until you are well acquainted with Google. If you don´t know anything about a site, you probably won´t profit from it. Each varies widely on conversion rates and CTRs. If you ask for Google Adwords tips, you will often hear the advice to avoid advanced features at first.
5. Don´t rely on the default positioning for ads. You want to try different positions for your ads and different keywords for different locations. You need to know where your ads work the best.
The only way to find out is to test the ads in different positions. Think about your return on investment needs (ROI) and test each ad to see in what position it is most effective.
You can also run tests with different ads. Rewrite your copy several times and see which version brings in not just the most clicks, but the highest ROI.
6. Perhaps the most useful of the Google Adwords tips here is to optimize the landing page for each keyword term. If you´re selling photographs, you should have a different landing page for ´flowers´ and another for ´landscapes´ while still another for ´portraits,´
You don´t want to use your home page for the landing page for each search term unless it specifically deals with what you´re selling.
If you follow these Google Adwords tips, you´re likely to have more success with your Adwords campaign.
1. Avoid Broad Matching to begin with. Broad matching means that if you list a keyword like soda pop in your list of keywords, then your ad could appear any time a user searches for either soda or for pop as well as for soda pop.
2. The next of the Google Adwords tips is to make use of the Dynamic Titles option. These are easy to do, don´t add any cost to your ads, and are generally effective at gaining clicks and conversion. The exact phrase entered by the individual who initiated the search will be used as the title of your ad.
In order to utilize this feature, simply put {keyword:your backup title here}. This also saves you the trouble of coming up with a new title for each ad.
3. Use some global negatives to narrow searches. For example, use ´Free´ as a negative search word if you have a product to sell, not give away. It seems a bit obvious, but if you do some sample searches, you´ll discover that it´s a real problem.
You can do this for other words that you don´t want to waste an ad on. If you are trying broad matching, then you´ll definitely want a long list of negative keywords.
4. Avoid using the "content targeting" and "search network" features until you are well acquainted with Google. If you don´t know anything about a site, you probably won´t profit from it. Each varies widely on conversion rates and CTRs. If you ask for Google Adwords tips, you will often hear the advice to avoid advanced features at first.
5. Don´t rely on the default positioning for ads. You want to try different positions for your ads and different keywords for different locations. You need to know where your ads work the best.
The only way to find out is to test the ads in different positions. Think about your return on investment needs (ROI) and test each ad to see in what position it is most effective.
You can also run tests with different ads. Rewrite your copy several times and see which version brings in not just the most clicks, but the highest ROI.
6. Perhaps the most useful of the Google Adwords tips here is to optimize the landing page for each keyword term. If you´re selling photographs, you should have a different landing page for ´flowers´ and another for ´landscapes´ while still another for ´portraits,´
You don´t want to use your home page for the landing page for each search term unless it specifically deals with what you´re selling.
If you follow these Google Adwords tips, you´re likely to have more success with your Adwords campaign.
6 Powerful Google Adwords Tips Just For You
While Adwords seems to be the only game in town for PPC marketing these days, it is just as easy to lose with Adwords as it is to win. Here are some basic Google Adwords tips you´ll want to follow as you venture out into the world of Adwords.
1. Avoid Broad Matching to begin with. Broad matching means that if you list a keyword like soda pop in your list of keywords, then your ad could appear any time a user searches for either soda or for pop as well as for soda pop.
2. The next of the Google Adwords tips is to make use of the Dynamic Titles option. These are easy to do, don´t add any cost to your ads, and are generally effective at gaining clicks and conversion. The exact phrase entered by the individual who initiated the search will be used as the title of your ad.
In order to utilize this feature, simply put {keyword:your backup title here}. This also saves you the trouble of coming up with a new title for each ad.
3. Use some global negatives to narrow searches. For example, use ´Free´ as a negative search word if you have a product to sell, not give away. It seems a bit obvious, but if you do some sample searches, you´ll discover that it´s a real problem.
You can do this for other words that you don´t want to waste an ad on. If you are trying broad matching, then you´ll definitely want a long list of negative keywords.
4. Avoid using the "content targeting" and "search network" features until you are well acquainted with Google. If you don´t know anything about a site, you probably won´t profit from it. Each varies widely on conversion rates and CTRs. If you ask for Google Adwords tips, you will often hear the advice to avoid advanced features at first.
5. Don´t rely on the default positioning for ads. You want to try different positions for your ads and different keywords for different locations. You need to know where your ads work the best.
The only way to find out is to test the ads in different positions. Think about your return on investment needs (ROI) and test each ad to see in what position it is most effective.
You can also run tests with different ads. Rewrite your copy several times and see which version brings in not just the most clicks, but the highest ROI.
6. Perhaps the most useful of the Google Adwords tips here is to optimize the landing page for each keyword term. If you´re selling photographs, you should have a different landing page for ´flowers´ and another for ´landscapes´ while still another for ´portraits,´
You don´t want to use your home page for the landing page for each search term unless it specifically deals with what you´re selling.
If you follow these Google Adwords tips, you´re likely to have more success with your Adwords campaign.
1. Avoid Broad Matching to begin with. Broad matching means that if you list a keyword like soda pop in your list of keywords, then your ad could appear any time a user searches for either soda or for pop as well as for soda pop.
2. The next of the Google Adwords tips is to make use of the Dynamic Titles option. These are easy to do, don´t add any cost to your ads, and are generally effective at gaining clicks and conversion. The exact phrase entered by the individual who initiated the search will be used as the title of your ad.
In order to utilize this feature, simply put {keyword:your backup title here}. This also saves you the trouble of coming up with a new title for each ad.
3. Use some global negatives to narrow searches. For example, use ´Free´ as a negative search word if you have a product to sell, not give away. It seems a bit obvious, but if you do some sample searches, you´ll discover that it´s a real problem.
You can do this for other words that you don´t want to waste an ad on. If you are trying broad matching, then you´ll definitely want a long list of negative keywords.
4. Avoid using the "content targeting" and "search network" features until you are well acquainted with Google. If you don´t know anything about a site, you probably won´t profit from it. Each varies widely on conversion rates and CTRs. If you ask for Google Adwords tips, you will often hear the advice to avoid advanced features at first.
5. Don´t rely on the default positioning for ads. You want to try different positions for your ads and different keywords for different locations. You need to know where your ads work the best.
The only way to find out is to test the ads in different positions. Think about your return on investment needs (ROI) and test each ad to see in what position it is most effective.
You can also run tests with different ads. Rewrite your copy several times and see which version brings in not just the most clicks, but the highest ROI.
6. Perhaps the most useful of the Google Adwords tips here is to optimize the landing page for each keyword term. If you´re selling photographs, you should have a different landing page for ´flowers´ and another for ´landscapes´ while still another for ´portraits,´
You don´t want to use your home page for the landing page for each search term unless it specifically deals with what you´re selling.
If you follow these Google Adwords tips, you´re likely to have more success with your Adwords campaign.
Antoni Gaudi: God's Architect

Antoni Gaudi was born in rural Catalan, Spain in 1852. As a boy, he was fascinated by the shapes peculiar to the natural environment of his boyhood home--a lifelong inspiration taht would later take form in the irregular, fantastical designs of his buildings.
After studying architecture in Barcelona in the 1870's he began work on a series of commissions for private homes and commercial buildings, some of which stand as the most shockingly innovative architecture ever built.

In 1883, Gaudi, a devout Catholic, accepted a commission from a wealthy publisher to build a new church in the heart of Barcelona. Inspired by the strange mountains at nearby Montserrat, his design for the Temple of La Sagrada Familia called for 18 towers more than 300 feet tall, with a central tower that represented Jesus Christ and stood 580 feet tall. Incorporating his distinctive use of organic shapes and surfaces decorated with pieces of ceramic and mirror, his intitial towers soon swelled with offshoots of baroque sculpture.

As the years went on and backers balked at escalating expenses, Gaudi sank all of his own savings into continuing the cathedral project. Work nearly ceased as Barcelona's economy collapsed and Gaudi suffered the deep personal losses of a beloved neice and his long-time companion. He grew more reclusive and more devout, and his appearance became increasingly eccentric. In fact, Gaudi may have been deep in thought about his epic construction when he walked into the path of a tram in 1926. Thousands attended his interment at La Sagrada Familia.

Work resumed on the church in the 1950s and continues today, funded by private donations and admissions fares. During his life, Antoni Gaudi was often ridiculed by his peers, but in death he became known as "God's Architect."

To make a donation or just to learn more about La Sagrada Familia, you can visit the official site here.
Research courtesy of J.K. Kelley
Antoni Gaudi: God's Architect

Antoni Gaudi was born in rural Catalan, Spain in 1852. As a boy, he was fascinated by the shapes peculiar to the natural environment of his boyhood home--a lifelong inspiration taht would later take form in the irregular, fantastical designs of his buildings.
After studying architecture in Barcelona in the 1870's he began work on a series of commissions for private homes and commercial buildings, some of which stand as the most shockingly innovative architecture ever built.

In 1883, Gaudi, a devout Catholic, accepted a commission from a wealthy publisher to build a new church in the heart of Barcelona. Inspired by the strange mountains at nearby Montserrat, his design for the Temple of La Sagrada Familia called for 18 towers more than 300 feet tall, with a central tower that represented Jesus Christ and stood 580 feet tall. Incorporating his distinctive use of organic shapes and surfaces decorated with pieces of ceramic and mirror, his intitial towers soon swelled with offshoots of baroque sculpture.

As the years went on and backers balked at escalating expenses, Gaudi sank all of his own savings into continuing the cathedral project. Work nearly ceased as Barcelona's economy collapsed and Gaudi suffered the deep personal losses of a beloved neice and his long-time companion. He grew more reclusive and more devout, and his appearance became increasingly eccentric. In fact, Gaudi may have been deep in thought about his epic construction when he walked into the path of a tram in 1926. Thousands attended his interment at La Sagrada Familia.

Work resumed on the church in the 1950s and continues today, funded by private donations and admissions fares. During his life, Antoni Gaudi was often ridiculed by his peers, but in death he became known as "God's Architect."

To make a donation or just to learn more about La Sagrada Familia, you can visit the official site here.
Research courtesy of J.K. Kelley
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Pay Per Click- Promote your site with a Click
Pay Per Click (also known as Pay Per Ranking, Pay Per Placement, Pay Per Position or Cost Per Click) is an internet advertising technique that allows a company to list their site at the top of search engine results by advertising on keywords that best describe their product or service. Payments are made only for the times when a searcher clicks on the listing and connects to the company’s site. You don’t pay to list, you only pay for clicks. An account with a PPC search engine is the best way to drive targeted traffic to your site. It allows utmost exposure, while controlling the amount spent on the marketing campaign.
PPC or pay per click is a service wherein an advertiser selects precise keywords or phrases and then creates a listing that will show up when someone searches for that phrase. The advertiser decides the amount he is ready to spend on each click for their listing which results in a visit to their site - thus the term “pay per click”. Normally, Content sites charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. But when other advertisers have opted for the same keyword or phrase, whoever is willing to spend the most shows up first and the others following in order. It’s a competitive marketplace - the higher you bid, the higher your advertisement will be displayed in the list.
PPC implements an affiliate model, that is, it provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing. This is done by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-for-performance model — if an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant. The affiliate model is well-suited to the web, which explains its popularity. PPC has thus allowed one to instantly “pay” their way to the top whereas traditional SEO takes a lot of time and effort.
The world of Pay Per Click turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. PPC providers have become more sophisticated, providing enhanced account features that enable you to select which countries you want your ads displayed in and in what language.
PPC or pay per click is a service wherein an advertiser selects precise keywords or phrases and then creates a listing that will show up when someone searches for that phrase. The advertiser decides the amount he is ready to spend on each click for their listing which results in a visit to their site - thus the term “pay per click”. Normally, Content sites charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. But when other advertisers have opted for the same keyword or phrase, whoever is willing to spend the most shows up first and the others following in order. It’s a competitive marketplace - the higher you bid, the higher your advertisement will be displayed in the list.
PPC implements an affiliate model, that is, it provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing. This is done by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-for-performance model — if an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant. The affiliate model is well-suited to the web, which explains its popularity. PPC has thus allowed one to instantly “pay” their way to the top whereas traditional SEO takes a lot of time and effort.
The world of Pay Per Click turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. PPC providers have become more sophisticated, providing enhanced account features that enable you to select which countries you want your ads displayed in and in what language.
Pay Per Click- Promote your site with a Click
Pay Per Click (also known as Pay Per Ranking, Pay Per Placement, Pay Per Position or Cost Per Click) is an internet advertising technique that allows a company to list their site at the top of search engine results by advertising on keywords that best describe their product or service. Payments are made only for the times when a searcher clicks on the listing and connects to the company’s site. You don’t pay to list, you only pay for clicks. An account with a PPC search engine is the best way to drive targeted traffic to your site. It allows utmost exposure, while controlling the amount spent on the marketing campaign.
PPC or pay per click is a service wherein an advertiser selects precise keywords or phrases and then creates a listing that will show up when someone searches for that phrase. The advertiser decides the amount he is ready to spend on each click for their listing which results in a visit to their site - thus the term “pay per click”. Normally, Content sites charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. But when other advertisers have opted for the same keyword or phrase, whoever is willing to spend the most shows up first and the others following in order. It’s a competitive marketplace - the higher you bid, the higher your advertisement will be displayed in the list.
PPC implements an affiliate model, that is, it provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing. This is done by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-for-performance model — if an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant. The affiliate model is well-suited to the web, which explains its popularity. PPC has thus allowed one to instantly “pay” their way to the top whereas traditional SEO takes a lot of time and effort.
The world of Pay Per Click turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. PPC providers have become more sophisticated, providing enhanced account features that enable you to select which countries you want your ads displayed in and in what language.
PPC or pay per click is a service wherein an advertiser selects precise keywords or phrases and then creates a listing that will show up when someone searches for that phrase. The advertiser decides the amount he is ready to spend on each click for their listing which results in a visit to their site - thus the term “pay per click”. Normally, Content sites charge a fixed price per click rather than use a bidding system. But when other advertisers have opted for the same keyword or phrase, whoever is willing to spend the most shows up first and the others following in order. It’s a competitive marketplace - the higher you bid, the higher your advertisement will be displayed in the list.
PPC implements an affiliate model, that is, it provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing. This is done by offering financial incentives (in the form of a percentage of revenue) to affiliated partner sites. The affiliates provide purchase-point click-through to the merchant. It is a pay-for-performance model — if an affiliate does not generate sales, it represents no cost to the merchant. The affiliate model is well-suited to the web, which explains its popularity. PPC has thus allowed one to instantly “pay” their way to the top whereas traditional SEO takes a lot of time and effort.
The world of Pay Per Click turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. PPC providers have become more sophisticated, providing enhanced account features that enable you to select which countries you want your ads displayed in and in what language.
How To Become An Expert In Online Advertising
If you've delayed learning about the myriads of ways you can earn money in advertising online, now's the time to jump in. While the economy may be soft, this gives companies more of an incentive to advertise online a bit more. The traditional avenues of advertising like television, newspapers, and magazines are struggling with fewer viewers, subscribers, and buyers. However, free sources of entertainment and media like the Internet and radio are bound to gain in audience during the recession. So, while companies are advertising more in this media, there should be a greater opportunity to make money in advertising online.
Fine-Tune Your Advertising Strategy
Just as your competitors gear up big campaigns online, you also need to check out what strategies are going to work best for you. You can hire copywriters to beef up your sales pages or provide the right psychological triggers for buyers who are scared to spend right now. Then you want to see if there are places you can monetize your websites with other people's advertisements to bring in some income. Make sure that any advertising copy that you provide to your affiliate partners for your own affiliate program comes with the training that tells them how to make the most effective use of it. In a recession, the competition can be fierce for the consumer's dollars and advertising is going to give you an edge.Keep Up With The Jones'
Except here, the Jones' are really your competitors. Sign up to some of their affiliate programs or newsletters. Make sure you are aware of what promotions your competitors are promoting and how they are using their advertising to squeeze the dollar out of their subscriber's pocketbooks. Try to learn from what your competitors do and then raise the bar by being even more innovative and creative.
The Nitty-Gritty Details
It may not be fun or glamorous, but understanding the difference between pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-sale and how much of each you want to implement is important for optimizing your advertising revenues. You may even want to check out cost-per-action networks to see if they provide more money than the traditional product-oriented models. You can expect the area of advertising to become even more creative as marketers attempt to provide flexible and innovative options in a tough economy and you want to be in the front lines of that action.
Fine-Tune Your Advertising Strategy
Just as your competitors gear up big campaigns online, you also need to check out what strategies are going to work best for you. You can hire copywriters to beef up your sales pages or provide the right psychological triggers for buyers who are scared to spend right now. Then you want to see if there are places you can monetize your websites with other people's advertisements to bring in some income. Make sure that any advertising copy that you provide to your affiliate partners for your own affiliate program comes with the training that tells them how to make the most effective use of it. In a recession, the competition can be fierce for the consumer's dollars and advertising is going to give you an edge.Keep Up With The Jones'
Except here, the Jones' are really your competitors. Sign up to some of their affiliate programs or newsletters. Make sure you are aware of what promotions your competitors are promoting and how they are using their advertising to squeeze the dollar out of their subscriber's pocketbooks. Try to learn from what your competitors do and then raise the bar by being even more innovative and creative.
The Nitty-Gritty Details
It may not be fun or glamorous, but understanding the difference between pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-sale and how much of each you want to implement is important for optimizing your advertising revenues. You may even want to check out cost-per-action networks to see if they provide more money than the traditional product-oriented models. You can expect the area of advertising to become even more creative as marketers attempt to provide flexible and innovative options in a tough economy and you want to be in the front lines of that action.
How To Become An Expert In Online Advertising
If you've delayed learning about the myriads of ways you can earn money in advertising online, now's the time to jump in. While the economy may be soft, this gives companies more of an incentive to advertise online a bit more. The traditional avenues of advertising like television, newspapers, and magazines are struggling with fewer viewers, subscribers, and buyers. However, free sources of entertainment and media like the Internet and radio are bound to gain in audience during the recession. So, while companies are advertising more in this media, there should be a greater opportunity to make money in advertising online.
Fine-Tune Your Advertising Strategy
Just as your competitors gear up big campaigns online, you also need to check out what strategies are going to work best for you. You can hire copywriters to beef up your sales pages or provide the right psychological triggers for buyers who are scared to spend right now. Then you want to see if there are places you can monetize your websites with other people's advertisements to bring in some income. Make sure that any advertising copy that you provide to your affiliate partners for your own affiliate program comes with the training that tells them how to make the most effective use of it. In a recession, the competition can be fierce for the consumer's dollars and advertising is going to give you an edge.Keep Up With The Jones'
Except here, the Jones' are really your competitors. Sign up to some of their affiliate programs or newsletters. Make sure you are aware of what promotions your competitors are promoting and how they are using their advertising to squeeze the dollar out of their subscriber's pocketbooks. Try to learn from what your competitors do and then raise the bar by being even more innovative and creative.
The Nitty-Gritty Details
It may not be fun or glamorous, but understanding the difference between pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-sale and how much of each you want to implement is important for optimizing your advertising revenues. You may even want to check out cost-per-action networks to see if they provide more money than the traditional product-oriented models. You can expect the area of advertising to become even more creative as marketers attempt to provide flexible and innovative options in a tough economy and you want to be in the front lines of that action.
Fine-Tune Your Advertising Strategy
Just as your competitors gear up big campaigns online, you also need to check out what strategies are going to work best for you. You can hire copywriters to beef up your sales pages or provide the right psychological triggers for buyers who are scared to spend right now. Then you want to see if there are places you can monetize your websites with other people's advertisements to bring in some income. Make sure that any advertising copy that you provide to your affiliate partners for your own affiliate program comes with the training that tells them how to make the most effective use of it. In a recession, the competition can be fierce for the consumer's dollars and advertising is going to give you an edge.Keep Up With The Jones'
Except here, the Jones' are really your competitors. Sign up to some of their affiliate programs or newsletters. Make sure you are aware of what promotions your competitors are promoting and how they are using their advertising to squeeze the dollar out of their subscriber's pocketbooks. Try to learn from what your competitors do and then raise the bar by being even more innovative and creative.
The Nitty-Gritty Details
It may not be fun or glamorous, but understanding the difference between pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-sale and how much of each you want to implement is important for optimizing your advertising revenues. You may even want to check out cost-per-action networks to see if they provide more money than the traditional product-oriented models. You can expect the area of advertising to become even more creative as marketers attempt to provide flexible and innovative options in a tough economy and you want to be in the front lines of that action.
Craigslist Tool increases Sales
It is no secret that classified advertising is one of the methods of increasing sales. Advertising over a virtual platform is in itself successful and Craigslist is the number one site that helps make this possible. The statistics indicate that the numbers of users that visit each day are in their thousands and such high numbers need some harvesting so that you can direct much of this traffic to your site. This is done by email marketing and placing of ads that will get the reader’s attention. Needless to point out, most of the income business folks are unaware of how to explore the virtual marketing ground to maximize the generation of incentives. If that sounds like your story, you should consider having a Craigslist posting tool. A Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by a great percentage that it becomes almost obligatory to have one.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by automating the whole procedure.It does this by enhancing the advert presentation and making sure that you get multiple clicks that give you more traffic by the end of the day. Should you decide the Craigslist posting tool is the thing for you, your overall marketing burden is lifted and all that you are left with taking care of the CLAD Genius. It is the application that helps you getter photos to accompany the ads that you are posting and better wording presentation thanks to the enabled HTML. The Craigslist posting tools works flawlessly and the fact that it creates email accounts with the common Gmail and Hotmail providers means that your marketing platform is extended to accommodate so much more. The best part about all this is perhaps where most of the responsibility is taken away from you and you are left with very little to do.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by creating a refreshed look when posting the ads so they replicate nothing else that has already been posted. Unique only means attractive and that results to larger masses clicking on your posted ads and being directed to your website. Uniqueness also avoids ‘ads mutation’ which is associated with the replications of posted ads. The danger with this is that it can highly reduce the number of hits you record in a day. The uniqueness spreads to the number of refreshes that the Craigslist posting tool which gives the ads a whole new look every so often. You no longer assume all the responsibility for this.
In conclusion, the Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by simplifying the whole marketing process. It is what is separating the internet marketing success stories and those that are hardly turning any profit. It is the tool that totally makes the whole ads marketing campaign a success in all ways. By automating the whole creating and maintenance processes, you are able to get more done in less time and more traffic at the end of each day. And in the world of marketing that is all that matters.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by automating the whole procedure.It does this by enhancing the advert presentation and making sure that you get multiple clicks that give you more traffic by the end of the day. Should you decide the Craigslist posting tool is the thing for you, your overall marketing burden is lifted and all that you are left with taking care of the CLAD Genius. It is the application that helps you getter photos to accompany the ads that you are posting and better wording presentation thanks to the enabled HTML. The Craigslist posting tools works flawlessly and the fact that it creates email accounts with the common Gmail and Hotmail providers means that your marketing platform is extended to accommodate so much more. The best part about all this is perhaps where most of the responsibility is taken away from you and you are left with very little to do.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by creating a refreshed look when posting the ads so they replicate nothing else that has already been posted. Unique only means attractive and that results to larger masses clicking on your posted ads and being directed to your website. Uniqueness also avoids ‘ads mutation’ which is associated with the replications of posted ads. The danger with this is that it can highly reduce the number of hits you record in a day. The uniqueness spreads to the number of refreshes that the Craigslist posting tool which gives the ads a whole new look every so often. You no longer assume all the responsibility for this.
In conclusion, the Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by simplifying the whole marketing process. It is what is separating the internet marketing success stories and those that are hardly turning any profit. It is the tool that totally makes the whole ads marketing campaign a success in all ways. By automating the whole creating and maintenance processes, you are able to get more done in less time and more traffic at the end of each day. And in the world of marketing that is all that matters.
Craigslist Tool increases Sales
It is no secret that classified advertising is one of the methods of increasing sales. Advertising over a virtual platform is in itself successful and Craigslist is the number one site that helps make this possible. The statistics indicate that the numbers of users that visit each day are in their thousands and such high numbers need some harvesting so that you can direct much of this traffic to your site. This is done by email marketing and placing of ads that will get the reader’s attention. Needless to point out, most of the income business folks are unaware of how to explore the virtual marketing ground to maximize the generation of incentives. If that sounds like your story, you should consider having a Craigslist posting tool. A Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by a great percentage that it becomes almost obligatory to have one.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by automating the whole procedure.It does this by enhancing the advert presentation and making sure that you get multiple clicks that give you more traffic by the end of the day. Should you decide the Craigslist posting tool is the thing for you, your overall marketing burden is lifted and all that you are left with taking care of the CLAD Genius. It is the application that helps you getter photos to accompany the ads that you are posting and better wording presentation thanks to the enabled HTML. The Craigslist posting tools works flawlessly and the fact that it creates email accounts with the common Gmail and Hotmail providers means that your marketing platform is extended to accommodate so much more. The best part about all this is perhaps where most of the responsibility is taken away from you and you are left with very little to do.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by creating a refreshed look when posting the ads so they replicate nothing else that has already been posted. Unique only means attractive and that results to larger masses clicking on your posted ads and being directed to your website. Uniqueness also avoids ‘ads mutation’ which is associated with the replications of posted ads. The danger with this is that it can highly reduce the number of hits you record in a day. The uniqueness spreads to the number of refreshes that the Craigslist posting tool which gives the ads a whole new look every so often. You no longer assume all the responsibility for this.
In conclusion, the Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by simplifying the whole marketing process. It is what is separating the internet marketing success stories and those that are hardly turning any profit. It is the tool that totally makes the whole ads marketing campaign a success in all ways. By automating the whole creating and maintenance processes, you are able to get more done in less time and more traffic at the end of each day. And in the world of marketing that is all that matters.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by automating the whole procedure.It does this by enhancing the advert presentation and making sure that you get multiple clicks that give you more traffic by the end of the day. Should you decide the Craigslist posting tool is the thing for you, your overall marketing burden is lifted and all that you are left with taking care of the CLAD Genius. It is the application that helps you getter photos to accompany the ads that you are posting and better wording presentation thanks to the enabled HTML. The Craigslist posting tools works flawlessly and the fact that it creates email accounts with the common Gmail and Hotmail providers means that your marketing platform is extended to accommodate so much more. The best part about all this is perhaps where most of the responsibility is taken away from you and you are left with very little to do.
The Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by creating a refreshed look when posting the ads so they replicate nothing else that has already been posted. Unique only means attractive and that results to larger masses clicking on your posted ads and being directed to your website. Uniqueness also avoids ‘ads mutation’ which is associated with the replications of posted ads. The danger with this is that it can highly reduce the number of hits you record in a day. The uniqueness spreads to the number of refreshes that the Craigslist posting tool which gives the ads a whole new look every so often. You no longer assume all the responsibility for this.
In conclusion, the Craigslist ad posting tool increases sales by simplifying the whole marketing process. It is what is separating the internet marketing success stories and those that are hardly turning any profit. It is the tool that totally makes the whole ads marketing campaign a success in all ways. By automating the whole creating and maintenance processes, you are able to get more done in less time and more traffic at the end of each day. And in the world of marketing that is all that matters.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process that results in a website appearing higher up the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) on sites such as Google, Yahoo etc. As a result of a successful SEO campaign, visitors who are looking for your products or services will be directed to your website. SEO refers to Natural search queries as opposed to sponsored words or phrases.
SEO should be viewed as a campaign rather than a single event. It takes time for SEO to work and it has to be maintained thereafter. A successful SEO campaign focuses on three key areas which are:
* Keyword Analysis – identifying words and phrases that are relevant to your products and services. The objective is to find keywords and phrases which are searched for often but have little competition or don’t appear very often on other websites,
* On-site optimization – making sure that the target keywords and phrases stand out on your site so that the search engines can see them easily,
* Off-site optimization - Making your site look more important in the eyes of the search engines by increasing the number of relevant, quality links to your website from other quality websites.
Keyword Analysis
It is important that a set of Primary and Secondary keywords and Phrases are agreed which will form the basis of the SEO campaign. Once agreed these can then be liberally inserted into relevant places on the website to increase the relevance for those keywords and phrases.
Primary keywords and phrases are those that appear often throughout your website. Secondary keywords and phrases are those that appear on specific pages or sections of the website. Generally speaking, the more words in a phrase the less the competition from other websites. However, it is also likely that there would be fewer people searching for these. It is no good being number one on Google for a phrase that nobody ever searches for and so a balance has to be reached. SEO consultants who claim they can get you to number 1 on Google aren’t lying; its just that the search term will be so obscure that nobody will ever use it. If you had a website dedicated to “purple spitting frogs”, you can be certain of a number one spot.
Some keywords and phrases have so much competition that it would be very difficult to appear high up the SERP without a very large budget. Therefore, finding a niche is very important. It is better to appear at the top of Google for a Keyword or phrase that only 500 people search for each month than on position 200 for a phrase that 50,000 people search for each month.
Finding the right keywords and phrases therefore is the foundation for the whole SEO campaign. Here, we aim to come up with a list of 50 to 100 keywords and phrases against which we will analyze both the search frequency and the competition. From this we can use a statistical method for identifying the best selection that will give the best results. The following steps would be followed, some of which are iterative:
* Analyze your existing website to identify words and phrases that already naturally appear,
* Analyze your competitor’s websites to see what keywords and phrases they use. Tools exist to assist with this process
* Come up with alternative phrases for these keywords e.g. “social housing consultants”, “social housing consultancy”, “social housing consulting”. Once again, tools exist to assist with this process
* Come up with a good mix of 1,2,3 and 4 word phrases
Once we have the list of keywords and phrases we can then use these to find out the number of searches made each month and the number of websites that contain these results. Once again, tools exist that assist in the process including Google’s own set of tools.
At the end of this process we should have a set of key words and phrases that are to be the cornerstone of the SEO campaign but will continue to be refined over time. For example, to support new articles that appears on the website.
On-site Optimization
You wouldn’t expect to appear high up on the SERP for a word or phrase that doesn’t appear very often or not at all on your website. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of the search engines, we must ensure that our key words and phrases actually appear on the website. This will unfortunately involve some tweaks or even re-writes of pages or articles in order to thread these keywords and phrases into the website.
There are several areas where these keywords and phrases should appear. Examples are:
* Page Content including articles
* Page Descriptions – the text that appears in the top of your browser when you visit a website. This is also used in some search engines in the search results. This information is added using “meta tags” which are hidden in the page source code. If the page is editable using a content management system (CMS) they can usually be edited directly
* Keywords – Also hidden in meta tags and used by some search engines
* URLs – it is better to have a page named “…/strategic-asset-management.html” than “…/page2.html
Once again there are tools to help test the relevance of a page in terms of keywords and phrases. This is an iterative process and to some extent trial and error. The key thing is to keep the language as natural as possible whilst using the keywords and phrases as often as possible - without going overboard. Too much keyword density can result in search engines such as Google removing a site from their index, if it suspects foul play.
Off-Site Optimization
Google uses a voting system to rank websites and pages in order of importance when deciding which pages to show at the top of the SERP. It is not the case that the site with the most keywords gets to the top. It all depends on how important and relevant your website is for those keywords in the opinion of the search engine. The specific algorithms used by search engines are trade secrets and are always being refined, but generally Google works as follows:
Each link back to a page on your website counts as a vote. You could therefore argue that the more links you have the better and this is partly true. However, Google is also interested in how relevant that link is. It can tell if the website linking to yours has similar key words and phrases which is therefore more relevant. Finally, if the website containing the back link has a high Page Rank this also adds weight.
For example, if the BBC or Times Online (High Page Rank) ran an article on Social Housing and had the link social housing to a website about social housing, this would increase the importance of that site for that key phrase. Therefore, it is not so much the number of links that counts as the quality and relevance of the links. That said, the more quality and relevant links you have, the higher up you will get.
There is one last thing to say about back links. There are some back links you don’t want to have. For example, just as a back link from the BBC carries weight, a back link from some black-listed sites will damage your rankings. Google know that some disreputable “black hat” SEO consultants trade links to boost their rankings. Once Google discovers such a site (or someone reports such a site), the site can be removed from its index.
SEO should be viewed as a campaign rather than a single event. It takes time for SEO to work and it has to be maintained thereafter. A successful SEO campaign focuses on three key areas which are:
* Keyword Analysis – identifying words and phrases that are relevant to your products and services. The objective is to find keywords and phrases which are searched for often but have little competition or don’t appear very often on other websites,
* On-site optimization – making sure that the target keywords and phrases stand out on your site so that the search engines can see them easily,
* Off-site optimization - Making your site look more important in the eyes of the search engines by increasing the number of relevant, quality links to your website from other quality websites.
Keyword Analysis
It is important that a set of Primary and Secondary keywords and Phrases are agreed which will form the basis of the SEO campaign. Once agreed these can then be liberally inserted into relevant places on the website to increase the relevance for those keywords and phrases.
Primary keywords and phrases are those that appear often throughout your website. Secondary keywords and phrases are those that appear on specific pages or sections of the website. Generally speaking, the more words in a phrase the less the competition from other websites. However, it is also likely that there would be fewer people searching for these. It is no good being number one on Google for a phrase that nobody ever searches for and so a balance has to be reached. SEO consultants who claim they can get you to number 1 on Google aren’t lying; its just that the search term will be so obscure that nobody will ever use it. If you had a website dedicated to “purple spitting frogs”, you can be certain of a number one spot.
Some keywords and phrases have so much competition that it would be very difficult to appear high up the SERP without a very large budget. Therefore, finding a niche is very important. It is better to appear at the top of Google for a Keyword or phrase that only 500 people search for each month than on position 200 for a phrase that 50,000 people search for each month.
Finding the right keywords and phrases therefore is the foundation for the whole SEO campaign. Here, we aim to come up with a list of 50 to 100 keywords and phrases against which we will analyze both the search frequency and the competition. From this we can use a statistical method for identifying the best selection that will give the best results. The following steps would be followed, some of which are iterative:
* Analyze your existing website to identify words and phrases that already naturally appear,
* Analyze your competitor’s websites to see what keywords and phrases they use. Tools exist to assist with this process
* Come up with alternative phrases for these keywords e.g. “social housing consultants”, “social housing consultancy”, “social housing consulting”. Once again, tools exist to assist with this process
* Come up with a good mix of 1,2,3 and 4 word phrases
Once we have the list of keywords and phrases we can then use these to find out the number of searches made each month and the number of websites that contain these results. Once again, tools exist that assist in the process including Google’s own set of tools.
At the end of this process we should have a set of key words and phrases that are to be the cornerstone of the SEO campaign but will continue to be refined over time. For example, to support new articles that appears on the website.
On-site Optimization
You wouldn’t expect to appear high up on the SERP for a word or phrase that doesn’t appear very often or not at all on your website. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of the search engines, we must ensure that our key words and phrases actually appear on the website. This will unfortunately involve some tweaks or even re-writes of pages or articles in order to thread these keywords and phrases into the website.
There are several areas where these keywords and phrases should appear. Examples are:
* Page Content including articles
* Page Descriptions – the text that appears in the top of your browser when you visit a website. This is also used in some search engines in the search results. This information is added using “meta tags” which are hidden in the page source code. If the page is editable using a content management system (CMS) they can usually be edited directly
* Keywords – Also hidden in meta tags and used by some search engines
* URLs – it is better to have a page named “…/strategic-asset-management.html” than “…/page2.html
Once again there are tools to help test the relevance of a page in terms of keywords and phrases. This is an iterative process and to some extent trial and error. The key thing is to keep the language as natural as possible whilst using the keywords and phrases as often as possible - without going overboard. Too much keyword density can result in search engines such as Google removing a site from their index, if it suspects foul play.
Off-Site Optimization
Google uses a voting system to rank websites and pages in order of importance when deciding which pages to show at the top of the SERP. It is not the case that the site with the most keywords gets to the top. It all depends on how important and relevant your website is for those keywords in the opinion of the search engine. The specific algorithms used by search engines are trade secrets and are always being refined, but generally Google works as follows:
Each link back to a page on your website counts as a vote. You could therefore argue that the more links you have the better and this is partly true. However, Google is also interested in how relevant that link is. It can tell if the website linking to yours has similar key words and phrases which is therefore more relevant. Finally, if the website containing the back link has a high Page Rank this also adds weight.
For example, if the BBC or Times Online (High Page Rank) ran an article on Social Housing and had the link social housing to a website about social housing, this would increase the importance of that site for that key phrase. Therefore, it is not so much the number of links that counts as the quality and relevance of the links. That said, the more quality and relevant links you have, the higher up you will get.
There is one last thing to say about back links. There are some back links you don’t want to have. For example, just as a back link from the BBC carries weight, a back link from some black-listed sites will damage your rankings. Google know that some disreputable “black hat” SEO consultants trade links to boost their rankings. Once Google discovers such a site (or someone reports such a site), the site can be removed from its index.
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