Well, it’s official: CeCe and I are now DINKs: Double Income No Kids. Yep, after a lot of bumps, I landed a great new job which starts in a week. This is a big step for CeCe and I, as it means a bit more financial freedom to work on OUDBOD. But recently I worried: Have I lost my groove in the past few months?
This time last year two major things happened.
The first was that I was flying to Montreal to attend the Fest of Evil, and a wonderful girl named Megan was flying in from California to be my date. The Fest of Evil is a creative event put together by my friend Harry (in photo next to horse). Harry can only be described as “unique”, “eclectic” and “legendary”. Every year he takes Halloween to a new level for all the people who come in from all over the world to attend the F of E.
The other major event is that it was this time last year when CeCe first read about me in the newspaper on her way to work, and emailed me. At the time she was going through a major struggle (something we still keep private on a blog), but she was also looking for a way to “shake life up a bit”, and to her AreYouMyWife looked to be in full swing: I was jitterbuggin’, life was unpredictable and zany, and creative execution was on high.
So one year on, I’m with CeCe and things have kind of sunk into a bit more routine. We leave for work in the morning, and it’s dark outside. We take the Tube to our jobs, and it’s dark. We come home, and it’s dark. We’re living the London life. Effectively, the difference between last year and this year is that CeCe now lives with the man she picked up in the newspaper one morning.
When we do get home we’re exhausted and most often just crash on the couch and watch a bit of mindless TV, then repeat until the weekend. The other night a show came on TV about people who get married and fall into dull routines and out of love with each other and life. The next day in the morning paper there was a story claiming that when men settle down, they lose their libido.
Well I don’t believe any of that. No matter what life hands you, you can always find a way to have a laugh. Especially if you’re a DINK. And as soon as I start my new job, CeCe and I might well be laughing… to the bank, then onwards through OUDBOD. We got some ideas we wanna rock before Xmas and into 2008 that seem a lot more possible now.
And in the future if someone frauds my bank account again, at least they’ll have a better time.
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