If you've never been disorganized before and now find yourself in a heap of a mess, it may be that you are suffering from situational disorganization! Situational disorganization happens to the best of us at one point or other. Situational disorganization is a result of life circumstances that are really not within our control.
When meeting with organizing clients, I find so many that are so hard on themselves and just plain upset about the condition of their home or office. However many folks are not in their current situation because they are sloppy or just plain lazy. Most I speak to have had some sort of life circumstance that has got them to where they are now. The problem comes in figuring out where to begin with clean up. I thought it important to write this blog so that others who might be in this situation now or in the future could see the signs and not be so hard on themselves.
Think about it. Sometimes life really just does get in the way of our efforts to clean, straighten and stay on top of the day to day chores that need to be done. Have you ever known someone who suddenly found themselves taking in an elderly parent? Along with that parent can come a heap of additional items that they are may not have room for in their home. How about someone whose family member has passed away? Suddenly that person is left with additional inherited items to sort through and may not know what is valuable or suffer from having emotional attachment to items that remind them of the person they loved.
Divorce is yet another situation that can bring about disorganization. Suddenly there are many important papers to be found and organized for lawyers and then the additional forms and paperwork that one must fill out when going through a divorce can leave individuals in this situation with stacks of unorganized paperwork. Often during divorce, one might also find themselves downsizing and squeezing their belongings into a smaller environment. And yet an even more difficult challenge to keep organized and on top of occurs when children need to be moved back and forth from one home to another.
On the business
front, the same thing happens. Partnerships evolve or change -- perhaps
your business partner moves away, becomes ill, or worse -- now you are
suddenly handling lot's of things you didn't deal with before. Major
clients have crises, and you have to drop everything on their new
projects. Perhaps a critical employee quits, gets sick, or worse -- if your office processes are not well established, documented, and others are cross-trained, you have a business crisis to go along with the personal aspect.
The point I'm trying to make with this blog today is that for some, being disorganized is not something that is caused by being lazy. A lot of people who find themselves in a disorganized situation find themselves there as a result of circumstance, and frankly that's why they are so frustrated over the unorganized mess before them. It's not something they are used to and often they don't know where to begin the process of getting it cleaned up.
That's where Tight Ship comes in. If you or someone you know is in this sort of circumstantial disorganization let Tight Ship come in and help strategize and even help with the hands on help you may need to get your space back in shape. Having a plan of attack and some extra support can make a world of difference when faced with situational disorganization. Tight Ship will also be glad to leave you with lists to help you maintain your space once it is back to it's usual shape.
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