Ready for the Fight (yeah, I'm a little slow these days =s)
Download: Ready for the Fight (Black Noise Remix)
(I prefer the original)
I also came across this music vid and was surprised to hear their other tunes that weren't mellow at all. I had no idea of their existence. I would like the Kenyan trios a lot if only they didn't remind me much of Daft Punk, but because of their wide range of genre I guess I'll keep an eye out for them.
If I Could
Their recent hit would be To Hell with Gravity. Catchy?
I also wanna post a few more songs sans music videos but gotta head out for now so will update again later. If you have time you should check out "Make It Better" by Anoraak on youtube (for the audio that is). Yappa french dj desho
I wish you were here, to make it better ♪
So, as promised:
Make it Better by Anoraak
and maybe with something light to end the entry:
Rumours (Digi Digi) by Whizzkids feat. Inusa Dawuda
very Bob Sinclar.
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