Guess who got so nasty and gruesome today she wrenched off a big, greasy guy's head? I did! Well, Jeff Hardy did. I played Wrestling today. It was the best game with controllers I had ever played in the entire macaroni casserole. It's awesome shite.
Tomorrow, Disney Sing-along, Milk and cookies, Pajama-feather boa party. I hope it's gonna be the highlight of my week. And i hope i won't kill the Disney joy by sleeping the night away.
Saturday, Chris Jericho and Inky's Haloveday! I actually suggested some things for their day but I won't spill cus I might spoil the surprise for Mikey. Anyway i was thinking I'd draw something for Mikey as a present. Plus plus plus, my parents are gonna be here. Yay!
September 1, Roxanne's birthday and she's celebrating it here IN BAGUIO.
roux: heeeeey, and i need the five words thingy to describe me, i can't think of anything.
cray: Perky
cray: Responsible
roux: hahaha i'm responsible? what a surprise
cray: Compared to your best friend, yeah you are.
roux: hahaha cuz ur a big-time procrastinator
Look, i know i'm too awesome and i know you worship me too much and i despise that but i'm never leaving this blog just because i can't type anything anymore without having them stolen. You're too obvious. TOO OBVIOUS I TELL YOU! I could take a really really hot bath in my own blood right now.
I'm not gonna write about you anymore nor will i ever make evil plans or imagine you being eaten by evil gerbils during my sleepless nights. I will just have to understand that you love me too much and there's nothing i can do about your being a copycat. It's your nature. I guess i have to apologize to you for being so awesome and brilliant and pretty and cool and (insert more of your thesaurus words here). And yes, i'm a GAJILLION times better than you.
But tonight, the 'badmouthing about you' hole in my stomach is gonna explode right at your face, KRISHELLE SANDOVAL. This post is not even enough to explain how much I want to whack you with a shovel constantly and bury you alive.
Yes this is my last. When this post turns into the 5th recent post, you won't see your name ever again. Unless i really can't hold it much longer and still want to badmouth you 'til the end of my life.
p/s Tumblr doesn't suit hungry-and-desperate-for-awesome-ideas pigs slash printer freaks like you. Everything there would just leave you in awe forever it's gonna be the death of you. You wouldn't even know Tumblr if it wasn't for me. Am I right or am I right?
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