Friday, June 1, 2012

Sharing the Passion!

As I've been developing my business, I have to admit it has gone in some directions that I was not truly expecting. Believing in my dream and understanding that all businesses change and develop over time, I've just stepped back and let the avenues I wasn't fully expecting develop and let the flow move me forward. 

When I truly stop and think about the development that has happened, it's really no surprise. I've always been the one that family and friends have come to for support, encouragement and advice and it's part of my friendships that I enjoy the most. So the fact that the Life Coaching part of my business has developed  the way that it has is exciting to me and I'm now following this path with a new excitement and energy! 

I've always LOVED helping others and there is nothing more exciting than seeing someone move to the next level of their potential because of a piece of advice or a bit of encouragement you were able to offer.

Coaching is a teaching or training process in which an individual gets support while learning to achieve a specific personal or professional result or goal. The purpose of coaching is to help someone move forward from their present situation. A coach can help you set goals, develop the steps to achieve those goals and even help you work through those things standing in the way of reaching the goals that have been developed. Maybe you've had a hard time setting small attainable goals or having follow through with the goals you do set. Having a coach hold you accountable may be the missing piece. 

Some of my coaching clients have come to me to discuss personal or business disorganization issues but what we've discovered when we've worked together is that there are usually smaller steps we need to focus on before reaching their organizational goals. Other clients have come to me to discuss organizational issues such as time management or client appointment setting and keeping their calendar. From these discussions we've developed goals to help them achieve their next desired outcome of either their home organization or their business goals. 

I've been very fortunate in the last few years of my life to be able to discover and focus on my passion and one of the most enjoyable parts of coaching for me is helping my clients discover their passion and giving them the courage and advice they need in order to move forward in towards their passion. It's my belief that following one's passion is the way to really achieve success and fulfillment. Being a small part of these achievements of my clients is such an exciting part of my business because I know first hand how following my passion has changed my life. As a coach one of my goals is to help others have the courage and determination to find their inner strength and go after what it is they are passionate about. 

Do you have something you've always dreamed of doing? Do you set goals at the New Year and forget what they were or to plan time to reach those goals you set? Do you struggle with breaking big goals down into smaller steps that are attainable? If so I'd love to help you live up to your dreams in either your business or your personal life. Reaching just one of your most desired goals can give you the confidence to reach for and be successful in reaching some of your other desires.

Different coaching methods may be done with individuals or with groups, in person, over the phone or online.

Find more information about us at our web siteLinkedInFacebook, or Twitter.

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