Thursday, June 14, 2012

# 221

Assalamualaikum . Hai *wavinghands* :D Awak sihat ? Ya , Anith semakin sihat . Hmm . Baju banyak dah tak muat . Hahah . Eh ? :P So , what a busy life I have now . Hmm . Balik class everyday petang rehat kejap then dah maghrib and malam kena study . And again , law is not an easy course . So far , everything under control and I hope for the best in my study :'D 

As korang semua tahu , 14 Jun ialah tarikh bersejarah bagi insan yang bernama Anith Athirah Mahabib :'D Its my birthday guys ! Im turning 18 already , hip hip . Ed cakap '' You are now officially can watch porn '' Weh Ed , haha . Im not that kinda girl k , hihi .  So , we were celebrating my birthday yesterday . Lotza fun together . Thank you guys :*

So , macam ni lah kisahnya . Semalam habis class pukul 4 pm . And semalam memang totally takde mood k . My girlfriends semua tak layan Anith . Like seriously , terasa T.T huhu . Azie said '' Sorry tak dapat join celebrate birthday , class sampai petang '' . Ed said '' Anith , sorry sangat . Class habis lambat '' .Hmm . Lepas class , Fami fetch me dekat kampus and heading to Tasik Ayer Keroh . Just two of us okay . TWO ! :(

Bila dah sampai , tengok semua pasangan berdua . Weh takutlah . Huhu . And its a fact , kami memang tak pernah pergi tempat macam tu before k . Biasa pergi Shopping Mall je .Eee , serious seram . Buat tiba-tiba datang orang berkopiah and cakap '' Ni dah kahwin belum ni '' Haha . Tak pasal-pasal dapat kahwin free , haha . So , memang Anith serious takde mood . Kenapa dia berani bawa Anith dekat tempat macam ni , haha . Konon macam romantik ahh , but euuh please , I hate romantic :P 

Then jalan cari tempat sesuai . And someone macam panggil kitorang , haha . Anith cari and bila dah nampak '' Eh , tu Syahir kan ? '' Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , then dah start excited , ada suprise party ke ? Wooooooo :P Then rupanya , Fami dah set tempat , haha . Eee , sukanyewwwww :P Hahahahaha . Bila naik dekat tempat tu , nampak dah ada cake and kotak hadiah besar gila , lagi lah excited . And ada air and buah-buahan and cikedis :P Haha . So touched :'D I love you Fami !  

And bila dah ready ready nak potong cake , tiga orang perempuan cantik keluar dari entah lubang mana , ehemm . Hahah . Ya Allah , serious terharu and Im crying at that time . Suprise !!!!!! And like usual , ada tepung . And birthday girl kena dulu , habis semua hidung mulut masuk tepung :D Fun ! Hee :D Diorang tipu , diorang cakap ada class but then rupanya masing masing takde class , bleergghhhh :P 

So , memang syiok habis semalam wa cakap lu :'D Thank you girls ! Azie , I LOVE YOU ! Edd , I LOVE YOU ! Intan , I LOVE YOU ! Syahir , I LOVE YOU ! :'D And of course , HASNUL FAHMI EHSANUDIN , I LOVE YOU ! :'D Thanks a lot guys . Seriously sangat terharu . You guys have done too much for me and i appreciated it so so so so so much :'D Hope our friendship will last till Jannah , Aminnnn :') 

* Intan , ME , Ed , Azie * Love youuuuu ! :') 


Fami , thanks a lot for the tasty cake :'D LOVE YOU ! 

We are like father and daughter , hahah . Eh ? :P lalala . 

The girls :'D LOVE YOU !

They are my everything :'D 

Speechless , thank you sayang :'D This is from Fami !  

Mama bear and Papa bear , hahahahaahah :'D love you !

Lastly , thank you again and again and again and again and again guys :'D Love you guys so much . Please stay in my heart forever . Pray for our success . Hope our friendship will last till Jannah :'D

Much lovesss ;

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