Monday, February 13, 2012

Haworthia sublineata

H. sublineata, Heuningberg, SW. Bredasdorp

Haworthia sublineata V.Poelln

sublineata: almost lined.

H. sublineata is a sandstone variant of mirabilis. It occurs to the South of Bredasdorp. The leaves are quite long and slender. It has light green colour and attenuate leaves. It is an offsetting species. 

Distribution map

H. sublineata  is quite widespread in cultivation, it is an easy species, which can be propagated by offsetts.

H. sublineata, Heuningberg, SW. Bredasdorp
H. sublineata, Heuningberg, SW. Bredasdorp
H. sublineata, Heuningberg, SW. Bredasdorp
locality of H. sublineata, Heuningberg, SW. Bredasdorp

H. mirabilis var. sublineata, H. triebneriana var. sublineata

Known localities:
  • S. Bredasdorp (3420CA)
  • N. Bredasdorp (3420CA)
  • Heuningberg, SW. Bredasdorp (3420CA)

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