When you discover you have a talent, it's very exhilarating to know you have something to share that will make others feel better. When you make your music count, you make it Memorable, Enjoyable, Worthwhile listening.
Have you ever heard a song, or a piece of music that appealed so strongly to you that you wanted to hear it over again? It hit you somewhere in your heart and soul, and you hit the "replay" button!
You may be really good at telling stories, telling jokes, reading poetry, rapping, rhyming, playing an instrument, singing, dancing, acting, modeling...whatever your gift, it actually begins to "mean something" when you share it with others.
It's important, however, that your self-esteem is intact before you step out into the spotlight. Knowing you are good at what you do is the primary way to make your music count. (When you "feel" it, others will, too!)
There are many ways to build your self-esteem. You don't have to wait for compliments or encouragement from "outside" sources. You can develop your self-confidence without anyone else's help if you have to. Here's how:
Read books about Self-Confidence and how to build it within yourself. Or simply type the words "Self-confidence" into a search engine. You will find hundreds of free articles that you can tap into. So read everything you can on the subject.
Read the Holy Bible. Okay. That's not your "thing." But you'll be amazed at the lessons you can learn from others mistakes and experiences. Take a chance, and read the book. Get a translation that you can understand. Think about what you're reading. I promise. It Will help you.
Finally, ask yourself, who else in your field does what You do? Find out more about that person or persons and what obstacles they encountered to get to the place where they are now. What did that person do to make their music count? Talk to people in your field and ask them how they make their music count.
Believe it or not, a lack of confidence is an "illusion." You have to change your mind about it in order to enhance it. If you tell yourself you are talented long enough, you will eventually believe it and act like you are talented.
Then, go out there and share your talent with the world. The more you do, the better you'll get doing it.
For more positive experiences about making your music count, Go To: www.SaintAndrewProductions.com.
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