I started this blog earlier this year, with full intention of using it to express the things i have learned in my journey to become a more active part of the gaming industry through creating my own. Not modding, not fiddling - I want to understand the business and make my own news. So to relate this sentiment to this particular article I find that I have an easier time remembering the events in my 2010 through my achievements on my Xbox 360. Funny enough from the biggest and most epic tales from the apocalypse to space , my achievements have gained something that i never would've thought they would have - sentimental value.
Enough of that though on to a list!
This year I
-Finish 12 games on my 360, 1 on my PSP, 3 on my DS.
-Made the decision to attend online classes and further my education and one day become a Game Designer!
-Watched my girlfriend, Mina graduation from college.
-Helped her move from Boston to my house here on Long Island making my relationship all the stronger.
-Created some of the coolest and most entertaining Midnight Launches for my store. A big thanks goes out to local bands - Aprils End, 5 Star Heroes, and High Bluff!
-Learned how to outwardly market myself and my goals as conference really taught me what kind of business I was really getting into. It was awesome to meet and greet with some of the leaders in the industry.
-Had gotten my phone stolen, and so did my girlfriend, not a great year for that. However that lead me into an early upgrade and an Iphone4 and of course a whole slew of new games and content to oogle over.
-Was also part of getting one of the most unexpected presents ever. A Washer and a Dryer. That may be a common household appliance but me and Mina have gone without for a long time and now we have a set. I seriously do not have words for the gratefulness and appreciation I have towards Mina's parents. Its different in a good way to have another family.
-Started this blog which has been heavily neglected in December. Sorry till I stop working retail December is going to suck.
-Restarted DnD and have been the serving dungeon master for my group of players. Bless them for their patience as I juggle work, school and family.
While those are the seeming "achievements" for my personal life this year there is plenty to look back on that was not so pleasant. I think we all need to remember what we have and what we lost, in a personal manner and let bygones be bygones. At this point it it truly time to look ahead and to create for ourselves what we want and who we want to be. No matter how you perceive it - Tomorrow is a new day!