One of my friends commented that my last several postings have not been as up or "radiant" as the title of my blog suggests they should be. At first I was taken aback and my ego was shouting "hey wait a minute! I disagree with you. I've posted some very positive thoughts." But then I looked again, through they eyes of my spirit and I had to agree with her. They have been filled with doubt and often regret for things I have no control over. Please don't take this as an excuse, but I've noticed that this same self doubt has been smacking others around too. A friend who knows as much or more about abundance and prosperity as anyone wrote a blog about her experiences the other day. When she posted it, the formatting was way off the mark and so she had to re-send it but still there were problems. Nothing was going right. My sister has had a very trying day that I doubt she would wish on her worst enemy. So what is going on here? Does the Universe hate us that much, or is there something more meaningful? While I don't doubt that many of you can vouch for the former, I prefer to look at the latter.
By now you know that we attract into our awareness or lives, what we focus on most. If life is coming up roses, we are tuned into and attracting a positive reality our way. On the other hand, if life is full of one challenge after another, we need to look at what we've been thinking about. Our thoughts do match up with what is currently in our physical world. I know that some of you might read this and say to yourself, "I think positive, I look for all the good in my world and still, nothing seems to be going right. Why just the other day, I was thinking "I hope I get that job, please let me get that job, yet someone else was hired instead of me." There are two things going on with thoughts such as these. They aren't really positive in the first place, because they are coming from fear. Secondly maybe we need to ask if God is guiding us in a different direction but we aren't paying attention because we want to steer the ship.
I don't think I have to say much about the positive thoughts coming from fear. "I hope, I pray, oh please, I'll just die if this doesn't work out for me" are perspiring with self doubt and loathing. We can change our focus and show gratitude for what we have in our lives right now, a roof over our heads, someone to share the day with, and sustenance from the food that we prepare. By giving thanks as well as simply watching what we say or think about, our lives can change dramatically. What if, however God is guiding us in a direction that our Spirit knows that we long for, but our intellect or ego keeps getting in the way insisting that they know what is right for us, so we don't hear what our Spirit is telling us? I believe this is happening to many of us. Some are listening and following the guidance they are receiving but so many more are still listening to their ego. When we plead, beg and pray for something to come our way and we don't get it. We have to pay attention to our higher-self. Often, the longings of our heart comes through loud and clear. We are told however by our intellect that what we desire is unattainable and if that doesn't work, our well meaning friends do their best to set us straight. It is so important to tell our ego to sit still and not get in the way of our Spirit. There are so many Angels and guides who want to help us. All we have to do is ask. After we request their help, we must pay close attention because unlike the advice of our ego, the guidance we get from our Angels and Spirit Guides is extremely subtle. It's not like the movies, where lightening strikes or a chorus of Angels starts to sing. We have to pay very close attention.Recently, in my own situation, I have spent far too much time paying attention to my ego, instead of giving my Spirit the attention it deserves and trusting my Angels and Guides to show me what is really the best for my higher self. I've felt guidance to do things, but fear has held me back and in turn, that fear has lead to a feeling of not being worthy of anything good and that feeling has lead to disorganization in my life both spiritually and physically. The Angels and guides are persistent though and today I felt the message to get organized again; to get grounded and stay present with my life. Too many times when we are having problems paying attention to the loving guidance we are being given, we are living in the past, or wondering about the future. Grounding ourselves is so important because nothing else can happen that is good unless we know who we are and where we are in the present moment. Dig in your garden, take a walk in nature, make like Popeye and eat your spinach. All of these and so much more are great ways to get grounded and be present and when we are present, we are more able to pay attention to the guidance of our Angels and guides.
I send you all love.
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