Saturday, March 13, 2010

How to add google buzz button to your blog

First it was Facebook, then Twitter and now it is Google-Buzz.
Being a blogger, you don't have to worry on who's copying whom! All these websites let their users interact more easily and for webmasters, it means free traffic with minimum efforts. So, keep all your options open as you never know which of them may bring a big wave of traffic to your blog!

adding google buzz button is very easy... let me show how!

1- login to your blogand click of the layout.

2- click on the Edit HTML and don't forget to check the expand widget box

3- click (Ctrl+F) to find the following code:

<div class='post-header-line-1'/>

4- when you have found the code above, now try and past this code below the code is step 3

<a href='javascript:var%20b=document.body;var%20GR________bookmarklet_domain=
(z.src="");void(b.appendChild(z));}else{}' title='Buzz It!'><div style='border:0px !important;text-align:right;margin-top:-42px;'><img alt='Buzz It' src=''/></div></a>

Now click save template and your google buzz button will look like this:

Happy Blogging

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