Islamonesia or Australia's old friend Indonesia.
Indonesia has a massive population and dire lack of space. It’s mainly an Islamic population, in fact the largest in the Islamic population in the world and it's right on democratic Australia's doorstep with a bad attitude to my country and my lifestyle.
From this survey on Islamic intolerance in Indonesia by in 2004:
Fifty-nine percent of people polled backed whipping adulterers and 40 percent said thieves should have their hands hacked off. Meanwhile, 39 percent said they support polygamy for men and 40 percent oppose a women becoming president.
Many Indonesian Muslims also expressed intolerant attitudes toward Christians, with 50 percent saying they oppose churches in Muslim-majority areas.
Australians can categorize Indonesian justice via the two Bali Bombings and light sentencing of Islamic murderers of our people contrasted to the trial and heavy sentencing (20 years to death sentences) in Bali of Aussies for drugs. Australians, regardless of their view on drugs, are able to clearly see the prejudice.
Australians have also noted the disastrous outcomes for Europe with Islam. Thankfully for Australia seeing Europe twenty years or so ahead of us in politically correct styled multicultural social practice, and with Turkey the gateway to the also massive Islamic Middle East, on its border, we luckily learned the lesson of Islam and it’s non secular sharia. We acknowledge the similar demographic circumstances shared between Australia and Europe with their Islamic neighbours.
So as Australia deals with its immigration policies and explains to its Islamic residents we’re a secular country and non-secular sharia is unwelcome, Australians naturally vote/lobby to protect Australia and its culture from Islam.
We can still do more… Regardless of what Australia does with its legislation, still Indonesia remains beside us and the future awaits us all.
Two articles in the site Indonesia Matters are very worth taking note of. The first is this survey on the positive changing attitude of Indonesia’s Muslims to the USA due to their help after the Tidal wave.
Attacks on civilians justified?
27% yes in 2003, 9% in 2005, 2% in 2006.
Confidence in Osama Bin Laden? 58%, 23%, 12%
Support American war on terrorism? 23%, 40%, 35%
Favourable opinion of the USA? 15%, 34%, 44%
Unfavourable opinion of the USA? 83%, 54%, 41%
This looks promising, maybe Muslims recognizing decency or at the most cynical responding well to jyza taxes from the West?
When one looks at the origins of the survey, The “Detailed Results” sections 1st question on “attacks against civilians” is answered by Muslim respondents only.The answer is encouraging.Yet in the “Cross Sections” we can see that the Indonesians interviewed were mainly Christian and Buddhist Indonesians, the minority.
So it is possible the general survey reflects their opinions and not so much those of the Islamic Indonesian majority.
On a constructive note this does lead us to a basic number crunch on Indonesia’s religious populations:
In 2004 More than 85 percent of the country's 210 million people are Muslims, while Christians are 8 percent, Hindus 2 percent and Buddhists less than 1 percent.When one looks at the origins of the survey, The “Detailed Results” sections 1st question on “attacks against civilians” is answered by Muslim respondents only.The answer is encouraging.Yet in the “Cross Sections” we can see that the Indonesians interviewed were mainly Christian and Buddhist Indonesians, the minority.
So it is possible the general survey reflects their opinions and not so much those of the Islamic Indonesian majority.
On a constructive note this does lead us to a basic number crunch on Indonesia’s religious populations:
So say approximately 15% of 210 million (30 million plus) Indonesians are Islam free and obviously struggling to maintain their Indonesian values in the face of Islam.
Indonesia Matters has this second valuable piece is a timely and vital reminder of the effects of Islam in our neighboring Indonesia: Arab Cultural Imperialism and Indonesian Native Culture
Where are the Indonesian Christian, Buddhist and Hindu Importers of beautiful Indonesian furniture, clothes and art? Where are the Islam free hotels and surfing tours? Many Aussies have had great holidays in Bali it was/is an Aussie tradition. 30 million Indonesians and Australia are an economic force of large value.
As the brave Danes say "we are all Danes now" and as the Islamic boycotts of Denmark prove there is power in our spending.
Ignoring Indonesia will not solve the Islamic menace so close to us here in Australia. Along with strict immigration and border control etc, support of Indonesians struggling against Islam is our obvious duty.
Where are the Indonesian Christian, Buddhist and Hindu Importers of beautiful Indonesian furniture, clothes and art? Where are the Islam free hotels and surfing tours? Many Aussies have had great holidays in Bali it was/is an Aussie tradition. 30 million Indonesians and Australia are an economic force of large value.
As the brave Danes say "we are all Danes now" and as the Islamic boycotts of Denmark prove there is power in our spending.
Ignoring Indonesia will not solve the Islamic menace so close to us here in Australia. Along with strict immigration and border control etc, support of Indonesians struggling against Islam is our obvious duty.
Read the surveys and articles:
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