Artifact Title: Leland Stanford to Abraham Lincoln, Monday, September 29, 1862
Artifact Description: A letter from California Governor, Leland Stanford, to Abraham Lincoln in regards to location of the Transcontinental Railroad in the Sierra
Nevadas from California into the Nevada Territory.
Describe the Artifact
- To where was the message sent?
- Where did the telegraph message originate
- When was it sent?
- Who was Leland Stanford?
- What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
- What is the tone of the letter to Lincoln from Stanford?
Thinking about the Artifact:- How important was it for Lincoln to have a Transcontinental Railroad built to the western coast during the Civil War?
- Why would a positive relationship between Lincoln and Stanford during this time period be significant for Lincoln?
- Describe the impact the building of the Transcontinental Railroad on the economy of the Nevada Territory.
- What would have happen if the South had gained control of the Western states and territories. Would the outcome of the war have been different.
Using Your Imagination:- Bell Ringer: Students will use the letter as an introduction activity on the role of the Western Territories during the Civil War. Students will use the "thinking about" questions as a spring board into the importance of the Western states and territories remaining loyal to the union.
- Annotated Map: Students will create a map of the Western half of the US during the Civil War. (Example: Battle of Glorietta) Students will add Civil War battles fought in the Western half of the US and include a brief description of Confederate and Union movements during the war.
- Closure: Students will write a brief description predicting the outcome of the Civil War if the South had gained control of the Western States and Territories.
Artifact Title: Naval and Military Map of the USArtifact Description: Map created for the US Military showing the Pony Express, roads and canals being built. Map focuses on the Western half of the country.
Describe the Artifact:- What territories still exists int his map?
- What symbols do you see on this map?
- What is the title of this map?
- What is the Pony Express?
- Why is this an important map for the Lincoln to have?
Thinking about the Artifact:- Why is communication important to the union in the Civil War?
- What impact did the Pony Express have on the communication for Lincoln?
- Compare the communication of Civil War to today.
Using Your Imagination:- Starter: Analyze the map.
- Class Discussion: Compare the communication of the Civil War to communication methods used in the Persian Gulf War.
- Written Response: Answer an exit question on the importance of communication during the Civil War.
Artifact Title: Nevada: Making of AmericaArtifact Description: This article was part of a monthly installment for
Harper's new monthly magazine, Volume 31, Issue 183, August, 1865.
Describe the Artifact: Identify the various types of terrain that a person would see traveling through Nevada.
Thinking about the Artifact: Analyze the risks of traveling through this region of the country.
Using Your Imagination: Create a diary entry from the perspective of someone traveling through the region in 1865.
Artifact Title: Virginia CityArtifact Description: This is an 1861 illustration of Virginia City by Grafton T. Brown. There is a "bird's-eye" view of Virginia City and 30 views of local residences and commercial establishments.
Describe the Artifact:- Describe the physical geography of Virginia City.
- What types of businesses are represented?
- What building materials were used?
Thinking about the Artifact: What are the benefits and challenges of living in Virginia City?
Using Your Imagination: Create an advertisement to encourage new residents to settle in Virginia City.