Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nutcase: "Rainy Summer Meal" brought to you by Chefs Apple & Carrot

Rolling, in 3, 2, 1, action...

Chef Apple: 
Hi everyone! Good day and we're hoping you're just as excited as we are to learn this new recipe we have experimented, three days ago, while we were bingeing on fresh juices and pesto fettucini. For those who have just started following our show, let me introduce myself first in case you have no idea who i am... (chuckles) I'm Chef Apple, this show's chef de cuisine, and this skinny lady here beside me, who can easily make you forget your gramps' parrot's name through her magical cooking hands, is our sous chef, Carrot.

Chef Apple and Chef Carrot: Welcome to another lip-smacking episode of "Apple & Carrot's Kitchen Exploits"!

Chef Carrot: Today we're cooking our latest least favorite dish, again something we've experimented on a few days ago. It's not as tasty as the ones we've concocted before, but it sure is timely, and we're sure you'll enjoy it as much as you enjoy munching rice-in-a-box chinese food.

Chef Apple: It's called "Rainy Summer Meal", a comfort food especially created for both of us when our comfort creature has found a new chef to cook and prepare meals for him. So before Carrot starts bawling, let's get started with this cooking thing. The ingredients, Carrot, please...

Chef Carrot:
Okay, please take these all down and be careful not to miss any of the ingredients out as each one plays an important role in our featured dish. I'm starting off with...

1. Consider
2. this as
3. one of my
4. insane 
5. days.
6. You know,
7. we get these
8. impulsive moments
9. when we leave
10. all our cares
11. to the
12. tissue paper
13. and be
15. in a kind of
16. half-crazy way,
17. our "selves".
18. Tonight,
19. I'm being that
20. self
21. to you.
22. But no,
23. I'm not gonna
24. jump on you
25. like a
26. delusional woman
27. who needs
28. tranquilizers.
29. This is nowhere
30. near a
31. confession too
32. because we both already know
33. how much
34. i 사랑 you.
35. I just want you
36. to know that the reason
37. why i've always
38. been so scared of
39. showing you
40. how much
41. i 신경
42. was because
43. i feared that
44. my one prayer
45. for you
46. might not be
47. answered
48. if i so much as
49. act on
50. this (already) 5-year thing
51. that has grown
52. too old
53. and too tired
54. inside my 심장.
55. I've always
56. prayed
57. that you be saved
58. when Christ returns.
59. That's my ultimate way
60. of showing God
61. how much
62. i 사랑 you.
63. Now, you're getting married soon.
64. And i am not
65. even half-surprised.
66. I want you
67. to be happy.
68. As long as
69. i'm sure
70. you're following God's will
71. i will be
72. happy for you.
73. I will
74. try my bestest
75. to be "really"
76. happy for you.
77. Without hopes
78. or agenda
79. (and yes i took that line from Love Actually)
80. i am being this "self" to you.

Chef Apple:
Whew. These sure are scads of ingredients. Let's start cooking Carrot?

Chef Carrot:
Yup let's.

It's very simple folks. To cook it, make sure you put each ingredient inside the casserole one after the other, under low heat, and just allow their "juices" and "sauces" blend together until they smell okay. Don't stir, just let them simmer for about 7 minutes.
If it doesn't reek of burnt bitterness, you're good to go.
(takes a whiff, smugly smiles to herself and starts transferring the dish to a bowl)
No presentation needed, no extravagant plating, simply put everything in a bowl nice and slowly and you're ready to roll. It's best eaten before you go to sleep, while, probably pretending to watch whatever's on Fox or HBO.

Chef Apple:
And Carrot, they may want to avoid preparing this dish after a long, exhausting day as it will actually take up so much of their energy. By the way peeps, serving is enough for one person only. Don't forget to serve it with a genuine smile.

Chef Carrot:
Yup. And hold back your tears. So, show's over! Till next time, Godwilling. We sure hope you find "Rainy Summer Meal" awfully edible.

Chef Apple and Chef Carrot: Bon Appetit!

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