Monday, August 30, 2010

Getting Back to Zero

One of my guilty pleasures (and I have many) is going to Barnes and Noble, finding a book that calls out my name and then, after ordering a chai latte, I settle myself into one of those big comfy chairs and read for a couple of hours, undisturbed with no worries. I did that yesterday.When I got the store, I had a strong calling to read, again, a book by Joe Vitale called The Attractor Factor. Since I wasn’t sure if it was in the self help section or another corner of the store, I took advantage of the store’s computers to search for it. I input his last name into the search line and the book did not come up as being on the shelves. What did come up was something totally unexpected but it grabbed my attention like a vice. The book is called Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth Health Peace and More. It’s about an ancient Hawaiian healing therapy called Ho’oponopono. Ho in Hawaiian, means "cause" and Oponopono means "perfection". I had heard of it before but had forgotten it for sometime. I think for a couple of reasons. One of them being that I had a hard time finding more about it on the internet or anywhere for that matter. The other reason is that anything that I did find about it, read like Mandarin Chinese to me and so I couldn’t make heads or tails of it. The other day however, my mind was open to learning more about it and so, I was called to crack the book open and start to read.

Ho’Oponopono while not developed by him has been expanded upon by Dr. Hew Len, who amazingly, healed a mental ward of criminally insane inmates none of which he ever saw. Yes, that is correct. He healed an entire ward of criminally insane mental patients and never saw even one of them. He did this not by distance healing or sending prayers for their healing but by asking himself what he had done for them to be where they were.To put it in a different way, Dr. Len took 100% responsibility for them as their problem was fully his.

I know this is hard to grasp, but the best way to explain this is whenever we have a problem, we are right there with it and it is up to us to take full responsibility for our problem(s) and even though we may not have been involved in the beginning, if a friend or a total stranger comes to us and tells us of their woes, then their challenges becomes ours.

Now, as I have just begun to read about Ho’Oponopono, (the “o”’s are long) I am by no means an expert, but I do understand that when a problem is presented to us, our task is to focus on ourselves and ask, what we have done to bring this to us. We then, say three things: I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me and thank you. We say these words,not to the person who has the problem or who has upset us, but to ourselves and our spirit because we need to hear it. It’s something that Dr. Len calls “cleaning” We continually clean these wounds, be it from a broken relationship, an illness, financial difficulties,anything. Simply paying attention to and saying I love you, brings peace to ourselves and to the person(s) involved. Now this makes sense to me because I believe that we are all connected and what we think about we find in our reality, even if it’s something we don’t have in our immediate possession, such as our cars, home, clothing or yes, even a headache. By thinking of how terrible life can be, terrorism, foreclosures, loss of jobs, whatever, it is part of our experience and we have 100% responsibility for it all.

When we say ”I love you" to ourselves about a particular situation, we don’t have to feel the emotions of those words, just saying them brings a calmness over us. I did this the other night about a situation that has bothered me for quite some time. Before I began, I felt a deep sadness that gripped me about my heart and gut. As I connected to my Spirit, saying "I'm sorry" for my part in what had happened and extended love to myself and showed gratitude for the experience, I felt a deep peace within me and around the situation.I cleaned the experience and was able to get back to what Dr. Len calls "zero limits" or being one with the Divine.

Like I said, I am just beginning to grasp what this is all about. I do know that it isn’t easy. We must clean on whatever comes into our experience, the sick and infirm, terrorism, how our natural resources are being misused and whatever is most personal to us, when we clean and are able to forgive ourselves, we get back to zero and are open to some truly amazing things. The best thing is, we don’t even have to intend for them to happen, they just become a part of our awareness.

I send you all love!

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