Thursday, September 27, 2012

Increase your blood level

Low iron intake from diet can reduce the rate of hemoglobin production thus affecting to oxygen deficiency at cellular level. Oxygen deficiency reduces bio-energy production at mitochondrial and increase the risk of tired, low working and learning performances, even low immune system in future.

Low iron intake in diet for a long term and some abnormal iron losing conditions are the main factors to cause physiological disorders. Women or pregnant mother who suffers from iron deficiency can increase the risk of abnormal development of infant, child stunting, hormone imbalance etc which can strongly decreases the health status . Therefore, we should intake enough iron from diet to minimize the risk of diseases.

  1. Colloidal
  2. Plant source trace minerals
  3. Purified water

The Unique of AGP1 Revivo
1. High absorbable of colloidal iron
AGP1 Iron provides colloidal iron through nanotechnology which able promotes better absorption at cellular level compared to synthetic iron supplements. Colloidal iron provides high zeta potential and smaller structure of iron which can easily penetrates into cell through ion channel for better nutrient absorption. The synthetic and low zeta potential iron must been digested at gastro-intestine through high energy utilization before for cellular absorption.2. Natural sources and safe for consumptionAGP1 Iron is extracted from natural ancient rainforest which natural and minor polluted. Furthermore, the highest of quality control in production is the key protection to ensure product safety through the Good manufacturing Practice (GMP) standard in production. AGP1 Iron do not contains any preservatives and food additives which provide an ideal and natural iron supplement to human which do not have allergy reaction and side effect for over consumption.

Main Benefits:
  1. Promotion better hemoglobin production to improve iron deficiency anemia. This is the basic way to minimize the risk of iron deficiency and reduce the sign & symptoms such as dizzy, tiredness, migraine etc.
  2. Improve blood circulation and prevent some oxygen deficiency symptoms such as tiredness, numbness and cramps through:
    • Enhance oxygen and nutrient circulation: to promote better energy production and relief tired, improves concentration and memory power.
    • Enhance toxins excretion: promotes better cellular and blood detoxification to remove wastes and toxins from body through renal and liver.
  3. Promotes hemoglobin production after bleeding especially after menstrual and accidental bleedings.

Add 4-8 drops of AGP1 Iron in glass of water and drink freshly. Suggest taking in morning and before meal.

Product from U.S.A
Price: RM 184(per bottle)

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