Friday, December 10, 2010

How are that Lumineers can be placed

    When Lumineers are placed using a "no drilling, no shots" technique these veneers do in fact offer an alternative to traditional porcelain veneer methodology.
With traditional porcelain veneering technique a dentist will first reduce a tooth (grind away some of the tooth's surface) approximately the same thickness as the porcelain veneer they plan to place will be. The idea is that, in general, each tooth has an ideal contour and thickness. Since a dentist does not want to create an end result where a veneered tooth has become oversized or bulky, they will trim the tooth back the same amount as the thickness of the porcelain veneer being placed.
In most cases this tooth trimming means that a dental anesthetic will be required so the dental patient remains comfortable while the tooth reduction process is performed.
lumineers tooth
    In theory, since a Lumineers ® veneer is so very thin a dentist doesn't need to trim back a tooth's surface because when the veneer is bonded into placed its presence will not add enough bulk to the tooth to pose a problem. Since no drilling is needed, no anesthetic ("shot") is required either. "No drilling" New technique also offers the added convenience that no temporary dental veneers will need to be placed and be happy with Lumineers.

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