Saturday, September 22, 2007

Do webput a motor-in-savings

When you get your personal webcashmotor you feel happy about the usability and you feel very happy when you touch some initial benefits in cash results. Because in Economy 4G3W that maked by communication motors (mousephones, computers and others screens 4G3W) you are in a cash webpowered universocial space, where you get one or more properties, the owndated webquantums.

Any of your owndated webquantum reached by the datevaluation of any 10€ parcel it becames a registered property where the webcashmatic added value is generated for your webcashaccount profit. For your cashcall_economic_power.

Each owndated webquantum is composed by :

_ 10€ of bank cash, ready to revert as you keep the right for at any moment ;

_ 1 quantum of time stock, the owndated moment of your 10€ datevaluation ;

_ 1 finantial openmix wuwlinked money-to-money, your webpowered tagparcel.

With this material The Webcash_Universocial_Web arrange all the webcashmatic process for your income cash.
And your economic life go up forever. Because webpowered in cash phasis. It means cashkeeping and riskfree.

So your webcashmotor is a motor for savings, because you keep your cash. Just you webput a motor-in.

Then if you tagvaporate your tagparcel, it is better and you may increase the speed and the quantities by your personalized added values.

Code for CC WOC-UP-YOU :

Creative Commons License
Woc-Up-You by FilipeAlvesFerreira is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Compartir bajo la misma licencia 3.0 Estados Unidos License.
Based on a work at
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