Sunday, March 7, 2010

Moving and Lessons Learned

It certainly has been a long while since I posted something new to "Radiant You!" I would have to look back, but the last time I put two words or more together for this blog was back in August. Since then, a lot has happened. Most significantly, I have moved from Minnesota to Colorado. I packed my 2000 Taurus and drove the 12 plus hours the first Friday of October. I would have made it all the way if a blizzard hadn't decided to shut down the freeways in Wyoming. I made it to Cheyenne, which is about 40 miles north of Fort Collins, which was my destination and now my home. Thank goodness for the Motel 6. A very economical rate, which gave me a warm place to rest my body for the night. The next day, I made it the rest of the way to Fort Collins. This is where I am now and I really do love it here. I have thought about other places I would like to be but with a few exceptions of Italy or Oregon or Washington State, I can't imagine a more heavenly place.

The other day I was remarking to a friend that whenever I put my focus on a particular place, I somehow end up there. It has happened all through my life, but the first time I really understood this was when I moved from North Carolina to Minnesota. Within two weeks time, I had sold all my big items and had tightly packed my reliable Taurus and was headed north.

Minnesota was wonderful for two years. I made some friends, loved someone very deeply, and I learned a lot about myself through the painful break-up of that relationship. The biggest lesson I learned is that I have to bring love of myself into a relationship of any kind for it to expand to others. It has been nearly two years since that time and I am so much better for experiencing all of it. So I thank her for what I learned and my hope is that she is happy with who she is as well.

People often ask me why Colorado and how did I get here? My smart-aleck remark to the latter question is "by car". After the rolling of eyes, I tell them that almost 30 years ago, I visited a friend in a small town a little south-east of here. Being that we were much younger, we spent a good portion of our time going from one party to the next. One day toward the end of my visit, we decided to go to Denver to party some more. On our way to the Mile High City, we made several stops along the way. One of the stops was to see Horsetooth Reservoir which is in Fort Collins. As we drove through the town, I thought to myself that it looked like a nice place to live and I would like to do that one day. Well it took almost 30 years but here I am. So, like I said earlier, where or what I put my focus on is where I end up. Be it a destination or a much needed lesson on self love, there I am.

So like so many of my posts, remember to focus on the good you have in your life but don't beat yourself up when things don't always go the way you want them to. Because it is a good bet that you are exactly where you need to be.

I send you all love!

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