Wednesday, February 23, 2000

Inquiry Question: "What role did the geographic theme of movement play in the relationship between Lincoln and Nevada?"

Artifact Title: Leland Stanford to Abraham Lincoln, Monday, September 29, 1862

Artifact Description: A letter from California Governor, Leland Stanford, to Abraham Lincoln in regards to location of the Transcontinental Railroad in the Sierra Nevadas from California into the Nevada Territory.

Describe the Artifact
  1. To where was the message sent?
  2. Where did the telegraph message originate
  3. When was it sent?
  4. Who was Leland Stanford?
  5. What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
  6. What is the tone of the letter to Lincoln from Stanford?
Thinking about the Artifact:
  1. How important was it for Lincoln to have a Transcontinental Railroad built to the western coast during the Civil War?
  2. Why would a positive relationship between Lincoln and Stanford during this time period be significant for Lincoln?
  3. Describe the impact the building of the Transcontinental Railroad on the economy of the Nevada Territory.
  4. What would have happen if the South had gained control of the Western states and territories. Would the outcome of the war have been different.
Using Your Imagination:
  • Bell Ringer: Students will use the letter as an introduction activity on the role of the Western Territories during the Civil War. Students will use the "thinking about" questions as a spring board into the importance of the Western states and territories remaining loyal to the union.
  • Annotated Map: Students will create a map of the Western half of the US during the Civil War. (Example: Battle of Glorietta) Students will add Civil War battles fought in the Western half of the US and include a brief description of Confederate and Union movements during the war.
  • Closure: Students will write a brief description predicting the outcome of the Civil War if the South had gained control of the Western States and Territories.

Artifact Title:
Naval and Military Map of the US

Artifact Description: Map created for the US Military showing the Pony Express, roads and canals being built. Map focuses on the Western half of the country.

Describe the Artifact:
  1. What territories still exists int his map?
  2. What symbols do you see on this map?
  3. What is the title of this map?
  4. What is the Pony Express?
  5. Why is this an important map for the Lincoln to have?
Thinking about the Artifact:
  1. Why is communication important to the union in the Civil War?
  2. What impact did the Pony Express have on the communication for Lincoln?
  3. Compare the communication of Civil War to today.
Using Your Imagination:
  • Starter: Analyze the map.
  • Class Discussion: Compare the communication of the Civil War to communication methods used in the Persian Gulf War.
  • Written Response: Answer an exit question on the importance of communication during the Civil War.

Artifact Title: Nevada: Making of America

Artifact Description: This article was part of a monthly installment for Harper's new monthly magazine, Volume 31, Issue 183, August, 1865.

Describe the Artifact: Identify the various types of terrain that a person would see traveling through Nevada.

Thinking about the Artifact: Analyze the risks of traveling through this region of the country.

Using Your Imagination: Create a diary entry from the perspective of someone traveling through the region in 1865.

Artifact Title: Virginia City

Artifact Description: This is an 1861 illustration of Virginia City by Grafton T. Brown. There is a "bird's-eye" view of Virginia City and 30 views of local residences and commercial establishments.

Describe the Artifact:
  1. Describe the physical geography of Virginia City.
  2. What types of businesses are represented?
  3. What building materials were used?
Thinking about the Artifact: What are the benefits and challenges of living in Virginia City?

Using Your Imagination: Create an advertisement to encourage new residents to settle in Virginia City.

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