Wednesday, February 23, 2000

Inquiry Question: "What information would you use to support Nevada statehood in the 1860s?"

Artifact Title: Henry G. Blasdel to Abraham Lincoln, Friday, February 17, 1865 (Telegram reporting ratification of 13th Amendment)

Artifact Description: This document is a telegraph message from Nevada's first governor Henry G. Blasdel to Abraham Lincoln announcing Nevada's passing of the 13th amendment.

Describe the Artifact:
  1. To where was the message sent?
  2. Where did the telegraph message originate?
  3. When was it sent?
  4. There are several cross outs, why?
  5. What entity was responsible for transmitting this telegraph messages, private business or the federal government?

Thinking about the artifact: Why do you think this message was so short?

Using Your Imagination: Write a newspaper article from the perspective of a Nevada resident who just received this message.

Artifact Title:
D. E. Edgar to Abraham Lincoln, Tuesday, February 03, 1863 (Conspiracy to form a separate republic in the West)

Artifact Description: [Describe in detail; Include historical context]

Describe the Artifact: [List questions readily answerable from the artifact]

Thinking about the Artifact: [Ask questions requiring inference related to the artifact]

Using Your Imagination: [Outline an activity that will engage the learner with the artifact content]

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